Mastering both the Single Spey cast and the Double Spey cast will be essential if the fly caster is to be able to cast from either bank of the river in whatever type of wind that may be present. This allows the line’s direction to be better predicted as it flies upstream and over the rod tip but the method is fairly weak when it comes to lifting a fast sinking tip and repositioning it. A couple years later, I met world-class caster Way Yin at the Sandy River Spey Clave in Oregon, and he explained how he uses Spey casting techniques with a single-hand rod all the time. The single spey cast is the cornerstone of all the Spey casts. In all cases, the preparatory phase of the cast is set up downwind of the angler, so that when the delivery stroke is made, any sudden gust will always blow the hook away from the angler. Spey Casting Lancer à la canne à mouche à deux mains, inventé par Alexander Grant vers 1890 sur la rivière Spey. The science of Spey casting/fishing seems to have diversified along three main schools or philosophies. The Single Spey cast may be considered better by some, as it cast the line further, and it can be used with winds blowing upstream. As with most casts, there are various styles of Double Spey cast, but as long as the mechanics are correct then the style you choose will work. Orvis Streamsidean authorized Orvis Dealer. May 18, 2017 - Explore Doug Storgaard's board "Spey Casting" on Pinterest. This style of casting became known as spey casting, for the Spey River where it was born. April 20, 2014. It allows the angler to make long casts without a lot of room for a back cast. But if you are a right-handed Caster and you are facing the river and it is flowing left to right but the wind is flowing right to left, (upstream) Your much better off casting left handed or cack-handed, unless you want to be smacked by your fly. This method utilizes a 35 to 45 foot head that is attached to a very thin separate level running line that is usually 100 feet long. Keep the fly downwind. Have been out a good number of times this season and was becoming really quite chuffed with how my casting was coming along.Last time out though while double-spey casting I started doing something wrong that made the fly hit the line or even the rod tip on occasion on the forward stroke.Obviously something fundamentally wrong was happening.Would welcome any tips on … Double-handed tackle is then matched with a proper leader and tippet that will make the transition from the heavy line to the relatively small, weightless fly. Spey casting is a fly-casting technique that evolved in Scotland in the mid 1800’s. Skagit setups are designed to sink very fast and cast large, heavy, bulky steelhead flies. This is one of the easier spey cast to master. Schpanky set his stance and went through the motions of the Single Spey. Because both hands are involved, it causes less strain and less physical effort, but it does require practice and discipline. For example, shorter, switch rods of eleven feet are ideal for rivers that are forty to seventy feet wide where an angler might make casts up to seventy-five feet. That, to me, is the beauty of Spey casting and not the ability to cast 80-100 feet. If you’re particularly tall or find yourself blowing out your anchor regularly, then I’ve found the 14’ polyleader helps some clients in this regard. The “Snap T Cast” is a two directional cast. Access to a couple of good Spey casts can be a game changer for single-hand fly anglers. Beginning Spey Casting. The only way to fish it is to stand in the water and cast directly upstream. Current speed matters. Spey casting can be accomplished with either a normal length fly rod, or a rod referred to as a double-handed fly rod, often called a Spey rod, Spey rods can also be used for standard overhead casting. The following 9-9.5 ft single-hand rod pairings worked exceptionally well for Skagit/Spey casting the three heads I tested: 4 wt or presentation 5 wt (e.g. These are attached to at least 100 yards of backing. As the name suggests it is just a Roll Cast with a change of direction, though, unlike the Spey Casts, it cannot be … This back-cast is often referred to as the "D-loop", from the curving shape of the line between the anchor and the tip of the rod. It can be done at a very slow pace. Traditional Spey casting used a longer belly line with belly and head lengths of 55 to 85 feet. This cast also is good when you encounter limited backcast room. Spey casting is a casting technique used in fly fishing. Spey Casting double right double left single right single left spey fishing switch cast snake roll fly first wriggle pile parachute reach mending line curved bow and arrow steeple tension rotating thumb tip kicks. Single Hand Spey Casting on the Econ River After taking a week off from shad fishing, I needed some time outdoors, and decided to make the hike upstream from Snowhill Road on Saturday. The rod length required is directly related to the size of the river one is fishing. They can be executed in places with little or no room for a back cast. The rod length required is directly related to the size of the river one is fishing. The name comes from the River Spey in Scotland, which is where the cast originated, presumably at Gordon Castle Estate and Wester Elchies beat. The 90 degree Single Spey is in my opinion the hardest of the common casts. The “Single Spey” is a two directional cast. If depth is desired, make a full upstream mend of the line off the water to release the water's tension and allow the fly to sink. (The upstream draw) Move your feet around on the riverbed or lakebed beneath you. These rods were made of greenheart, a heavy wood imported from British Guyana. Today, rods are only 12 to 15 feet (3.7 to 4.6 m) in length, and can toss a line up to 80 feet (24 m). The waterborne anchor casts are different, as they contain a backcast that stays on the water. Leaders are usually very short and range from 4-6 feet in length. Spey casting is a casting technique used in fly fishing. Remember, as with all casts, to form a tight loop, the rod tip must move in a straight path. This piqued my interest and made me think that perhaps Spey fishing wasn’tall that different. Medium or slower action rods with stiff tips that will lift long lines are preferred. Check out more casting videos on our website! Put quite simply:- a spey cast is a roll cast preceded by a bit of line repositioning. Single Spey grip and the Double Spey grip, (when holding a double handed fly rod) are as follows: • In contrast to the Single Spey cast, if you are on the left bank of the river when executing a Double Spey cast, place your left hand uppermost on the rod handle, (picture 1) and One in which the fly will anchor on the downstream side of the caster. 2015 Kentaro Shimizu 2. [1][3] With the fly line floating directly downstream, the angler first lifts the line off the water with the tip of the rod. (Tip: Learn the “train track” principle: The anchor is always the OUTSIDE track and the path of the rod tip is always the INSIDE track. The “D” loop should be lined up directly in line with the intended target. Movement 1. Photo: Gregory Houska.. The problem is that, as your fly drifts back to you, you need to pick up the slack, which requires you to then make several false casts to get the line back out. Spey casting offers the advantage of allowing the caster to throw their line long distances in a straight line. Stripping. The line must be stripped in so that the head is just outside the tip before making another cast. Spey casting is a type of casting used in fly fishing. If fishing left bank with upstream wind then I use a right handed single spey cast. OK so now we've got an upstream wind. Spey casting is a thing of beauty. The Spey cast is a roll cast that includes a change of direction. Dmo e spey casting Essai e matriel Sagit Scani Spey traitionnelle et Trot Spey. For example, lets say you’re casting from a river left position, with an upstream wind, and prefer to cast right handed (with your right hand on top). about five or six feet of fly line past the tip. on the Middle Fork concentrate the fish a bit more and allow for predominately dry fly fishing. Spey casting is used for fishing large rivers for salmon and large trout such as steelhead and sea trout. Spey casting originated in the heart of Scotland in the mid-1800s. Step 1, Find firm ground to stand on. These are fly line lengths with loops of various densities that sink very fast. In the above Spey Casting Video, I will share my version of three Spey casting techniques, including the Perry Poke Skagit cast, popularized by Ed Ward, the Skagit Casting legend. (231) 933-9300 Contact Us, 300 E Front Street, Suite 101 Traverse City, MI 49684. However, Spey casting was developed to meet the needs of salmon anglers who typically: use a sunk or 'wet' fly; cast downstream and across; In contrast, trout fishers often need to: present a dry fly; cast upstream and across; This page introduces a number of ideas derived from Spey casting to meet the special demands of trout fishing in confined spaces. [5][3]. So that's where we've got to put it; downwind which in this case is upstream. [4], The Double Spey cast may be considered easier to perform than the Single Spey, but only because this cast can be performed more slowly and deliberately, and corrections more easily made during elements of the cast. Spey casting Last updated August 19, 2019 An illustration of a double-handed fly cast from The Salmon Fly by George M. Kelson (1895). These movements occur between the initial lift and the delivery of the cast, e.g. Here are the basic movements. [1] Spey rods can also be used for standard overhead casting. The Single Spey cast may be considered better by some, as it cast the line further, and it can be used with winds blowing upstream. Casting upstream at an angle is great for warmer water and for when you are casting back toward the bank or through a fast, shallow riffle. The point where the fly itself touches down should be level with or slightly upstream of the angler or, to be more precise, just upstream of the intended line of the forward cast. Lift the rod as you would in an overhead cast Then, without stopping, take the tip of the rod around to the left side of the body, turning from the waist as you do, so that the rod is pointed almost directly upstream and the tip is about a foot from the surface. This Single Spey cast is part of the "Splash and Go" (or touch & Go/Kiss & Go) group of casts. Cast the fly across or even upstream, and strip it back under the index finger of your dominant hand using a varied retrieve. orne propose sr ne orne o ne emiorne DÉMO SPEY CASTING & MORE RENSEIGNEMENTS Philippe Kœhler 73, route de Neuf-Brisach 68000 Colmar T. +33(3) 89 24 30 05 Last, make sure the “train tracks” are aimed at the target. Smaller and much lighter than traditional long spey rods, switch rods can be toted through brush with ease, fished all day without fatigue, and need less room to cast than their full-sized cousins. The most common Spey casts include the “Double Spey”, “Single Spey”, as well as “Circle/Snap-T”, and “Snake Roll”. In these types of casts, there is no requirement to achieve perfect timing in order to forward cast after.[2]. Take a step or 2 downstream and repeat the process. It will result in slack and unload the rod. Lancer Spey en revers, le D-Loop est formé de l’autre coté de l’épaule dominante. Therefore this cast provides a level of safety when you encounter an upstream wind. See more ideas about It cast, Fly fishing, Fly casting. Mastering both the Single Spey cast and the Double Spey cast will be essential if the fly caster is to be able to cast from either bank of the river in whatever type of wind that may be present. Therefore this cast provides a level of safety when you encounter an downstream wind. Rods are double-handed.” Double-handed rods vary in length from eleven foot “switch” style rods, to more traditional double-handed rods over twenty feet. Spey casting has no true back cast. Spey Casting is universal and can be accomplished with single handed (traditional) fly rods or with the two handed Switch and Spey Rods. The spey cast enables you to pick your line up from a downstream position, change direction and place it back on the water anywhere from an upstream angle to a down and across position … This style of casting uses little shooting techniques and does not require stripping in line before making another cast. The two-handed Spey technique allows more powerful casts and avoids obstacles on the shore by keeping most of the line in front of the angler. A typical Scandi outfit includes a running line that is attached “loop-to-loop” to a variety of heads that come in different densities. This is easy to remember as downstream and double both begin with a D. In a light downstream wind a single Spey cast may still be used with a little extra speed or slight alteration in the tilt of the rod tracking used. Spey technique is also used in saltwater surf casting. While there are many variations of the Spey cast, the basic technique is broken down into a few simple actions. Spey casting is a casting technique used in fly fishing.Spey casting can be accomplished with either a normal length fly rod, or a rod referred to as a double-handed fly rod, often called a Spey rod. Spey casting is a casting technique used in fly fishing.Spey casting can be accomplished with either a normal length fly rod, or a rod referred to as a double-handed fly rod, often called a Spey rod. Let the fly come under tension and allow it to swing across the current and hopefully into a fish's view. That’s also what one says when one can’t cast 80-100 feet. The cast measured 64.5 metres (212 ft), and was made during the Fly Casting World Championship in 2018. Scandi requires lifting a shorter length of line to form the “D” loop. With these casts, an angler will be able to make a cast in any river position and in any wind condition. We must still choose a cast which puts the anchor upstream of us, but because our river position has changed, so must our execution. It is an extremely… The white mouse is the water spray created as the line moves around to the lift and firing position. The two most commonly used styles of Spey casting are the "Single Spey" and the "Double Spey". Upstream wind = upstream shoulder cast and anchor — Downstream wind = downstream shoulder and anchor. The “Snap T Cast” is a two directional cast. This will prevent you from wearing an “Intruder Fly” earring. Spey casting is used for fishing large rivers for salmon and large trout such as steelhead and sea trout. Spey casting: | | ||| | An illustration of a double-handed fly cast from ||The... World Heritage Encyclopedia, the aggregation of the largest online encyclopedias available, and … This is especially useful on wide rivers that offer challenges, like rapids, to traditional short-range fishing. Spey Casting double right double left single right single left spey fishing switch cast snake roll fly first wriggle pile parachute reach mending line curved bow and arrow steeple tension rotating thumb tip kicks. ), The “D” loop is a loop of line that runs from the tip of the rod behind the caster that has tension and thus allows the forward cast to bend or load the rod as it is moved forward during the cast. Photo: Gregory Houska.. Privacy Policy With a downstream wind why can't I use a left handed single spey cast. Spey CastingV30.3.doc Page 4 of 43 2010 November 28 Prepared by Bob Pauli, borrowed heavily from Simon Gawesworth’s Spey lesson notes and his book Spey Casting (by permission), plus concepts from Al Buhr’s book Two-Handed Fly Casting and Hugh Falkus’s book Speycasting: A New Technique. A good choice for swinging on the 40+, or TRC lines. These setups use 32-35 foot floating or sinking heads that are attached to extremely dense sections of sinking line called T-8, T-11, and T-14. Therefore this cast provides a level of safety when you encounter an upstream wind. If the wind is right. These enable the angler to add tippet suitable to the fly size, but are better suited to the much larger diameter of the switch or spey line. upstream or downstream wind to contend with. What is Spey Casting? Most of which I cover here, although it is quite possible to invent your own variations, as we shall see. This Single Spey cast is part of the “Splash and Go” (or touch & Go/Kiss & Go) group of casts. This style is useful in that even after a 70-80 ft drift, you can be upstream and fishing with very few movements. The two most commonly used styles of Spey casting are the "Single Spey" and the "Double Spey". This is the point at which the line touches the water. Spey Casting, There aren't many places in the world that are synonymous with a particular style or method of fishing; but there can be ..., Spey Casting: There aren't many places in the world that are synonymous with a particular style or method of fishing; but there can be few salmon anglers who are not aware of, or aspire to be proficient at, Spey casting. The casting technique may be used with very long double-handed rods as well as more traditional single-handed fly rods. Les lancers Airborne Airborne Anchor Cast ou Touch and Go Cast Lancer Spey au cours duquel la soie évolue dans l’air avant l’ancrage. The Circle Spey is my go to cast to teach when the flow is right to left for the right handed caster, capable of lifting the head from the water, owning … You can select the right cast in two ways: Either think of Downstream wind – use a Double Spey or Snake Roll cast. The angler then sweeps the line backwards just above the water, and allows just the fly and leader to "anchor" the cast by touching the water one to two rod lengths away. (Tip: Focus on “Point P”. The spey cast enables you to pick your line up from a downstream position, change direction and place it back on the water anywhere from an upstream angle to a down and across position with minimal movements and no overhead backcast. The white mouse assures that you are loading the rod and keeping tension on the rod as you sweep.). Therefore, a few casts we could choose from could be a snap T, circle spey, or a single spey to name a few. The line then falls to the water, and the forward cast starts as soon as the tip of the line touches the water. As Spey caster Andy Murray once explained, “Spey is a river, and Spey is a cast. This is the cast Mike uses most often when casting in upstream wind conditions. [citation needed], There are two groups of Spey casts, the "splash and go" and the "waterborne anchor". You should generate a “white mouse” as you sweep up to the firing or “key” position. A good lift allows for the anchor to be placed with control. Return Policy It allows the angler to make long casts without a lot of room for a back cast. The advantage of making a fly cast with minimal back cast is as welcome on a tiny brook trout stream as it is on a large Western … ), The anchor is the fly, leader and sometimes a portion of the fly line that is stuck to the surface of the water at the beginning of the forward “delivery” portion of the cast . The Spey cast is a roll cast that includes a change of direction. When determining which spey cast to use in a given situation, most experienced spey anglers take into account three primary variables; wind direction (upstream wind, downstream wind, etc. This cast also is good when you encounter limited backcast room. The casting technique may be used with very long double-handed rods as well as more traditional single-handed fly rods. 0000 Spey casting is … The cast is most easily compared to a roll cast in one-handed fly fishing, although by using the fly as an anchor, a Spey cast allows a greater loading of the rod and thus achieves greater distance than a one-handed cast. Spey fishing is an excellent way to cover water effectively & enjoyably. When determining which spey cast to use in a given situation, most experienced spey anglers take into account three primary variables; wind direction (upstream wind, downstream wind, etc. Therefore, the Spey cast was developed so one could successfully cast on a large river such as the Spey. The idea that you could spey cast down through a run, then turn around and upstream fish back up in single handed fashion (with the same fly line). Spey casting, Todd Scharf of Upstream Adventures talk about spey fishing. When Spey casting was introduced, 22-foot (6.7 m) rods were used. Remember, fishing upstream and casting only fifteen feet ahead of you with seven to ten feet of leader and tippet means that the rod must load with only. It is a sustained anchor cast in that some of the fly line stays in contact with the water at all times until the final forward casting stroke is made. More importantly, the anchor secures the bottom of the “D” loop which provides tension and helps the rod bend or load. This will prevent you from wearing an “Intruder Fly” earring. Current speed matters. The Spey casts are all derivatives of the roll cast and have several important advantages over the overhead cast: They are more efficient for wide angle direction changes. Smaller rivers like the Pere Marquette or Betsie Rivers are better suited to eleven foot switch rods. Spey rods can also be used for standard overhead casting. In this class you will learn how to cast from both sides of the river with upstream and downstream 'anchor' positions. This will prevent you from wearing an “Intruder Fly” earring. These are the most common steps to achieve a Single Spey cast (when standing on the left bank of the river i.e. Free Spey Casting Lessons Step Four - The Single Spey. They are also inherently much safer because the fly never goes behind the caster. It is important to note that spey casting and spey rods are two ideas, separate but associated. It is completed with a roll casting method similar to the Double Spey. an upstream movement and a … This style usually requires a higher skill level and more experience. Spey Casting & Snake Roll Spey casting. All of these situations require the angler to cast larger flies long distances. All Spey casts begin with a lift that breaks the surface tension of the fly line from the water and moves the end of the line to a “set” that places the anchor in the correct desired direction. The more you false-cast in such tight … ), river position (which side of the river you’re casting from), and obstacles (trees, rocks, banks, or other obstructions that limit your casting area). The class is designed for someone who is looking to get into Spey/Two Hand casting. The double spey is a great cast for beginners. These long rods were heavy and awkward to manage, so it was necessary for anglers to use two hands to cast them. Simply put, the spey cast is a change of direction with a dynamic roll cast. Thirteen to fifteen foot rods are useful on rivers that are over one hundred feet wide and require casts of eighty to a hundred feet. It is named after the river Spey – one of Scotland’s premier salmon rivers – and is most likely where the technique started to be used. 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