R Smook vs D Shapero, 1971 (A16) English, 31 moves, 1-0, Early ...d5 from Black. Still in book. Category: Openings. Psakhis vs I Gaponenko, 1995(A26) English, 39 moves, 1-0, Knight sac on f5 vs fianchetto Psakhis vs Ermenkov, 1990(A20) English, 39 moves, 1-0, Q side then K side Pachman vs J H Donner, 1955 (A10) English, 32 moves, 1-0, English vs. Dutch Play online with friends, challenge the computer, join a club, solve puzzles, analyze your games, and learn from hundreds of video lessons. A S Hagen vs C Manley, 2001(A20) English, 25 moves, 1-0, ...Nh6 gets h4, h5 Opening of the h file My move order is <1 c4 Nf6 2 Nc3 e5 3 g3 Bb4!> Black takes a lot of drive out of the English without White's Queen Knight. A10-A39 - English opening: 1. c4. This gives White the kind of flexibility that is missing from regular 1.d4 openings. Play chess on Chess.com - the #1 chess community with +30 million members around the world. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Sliwa vs J Domanski, 1955(A16) English, 41 moves, 1-0, 13.exf5 Kosten vs T Clarke, 1999(A20) English, 26 moves, 1-0, Strong Finish The games are played by World Champions … The English opening is the 4th most common opening for white. Seirawan vs Van Wely, 1992 (A26) English, 49 moves, 1-0, Strong K side Attack with 14.f4 @ 16.g5 S Williams vs S Bousbouras, 2001 (A13) English, 52 moves, 1-0, Botvinnik vs B Soderborg, 1962 (A16) English, 46 moves, 1-0, Classic Kingside Attack Botvinnik vs Reshevsky, 1938. K Bischoff vs Mamedyarov, 2001 (A25) English, 63 moves, 1-0, Bremen System I always play the Rossililomo reversed. Jonathan Schrantz explores the fourth most popular opening: the English. The objective of the opening is to apply pressure on the center d5 square without committing the … Botvinnik vs V Sherbakov, 1955 (A16) English, 23 moves, 1-0, Capablanca vs Milner-Barry, 1936 (A25) English, 36 moves, 1-0, Capablanca vs P Soler, 1929 (A17) English, 32 moves, 1-0, Exchange Sac Let's take a look at how Staunton handled this opening. A flank opening, it is the fourth most popular and, according to various databases, anywhere from one of the two most successful to the fourth most successful of White's twenty possible first moves. Csom vs Gulko, 1976 (A10) English, 42 moves, 1-0, Psakhis vs E Ragozin, 1994 (A10) English, 38 moves, 1-0, 9.f4 Leads to Strong White Attack The move c4 does not really help to develop a piece, but plans to put the knight behind the c-pawn, thus giving a strong central presence. Kosten vs G Lilley, 1999 (A16) English, 28 moves, 1-0, Strong K side Attack with f4, f5 So, white starts off with the English Opening. This is a do or die. Capablanca vs R Rey Ardid, 1929 (A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 21 moves, 1-0, Hedgehog Bishop Gets Scotched (A25) English, 37 moves, 1-0. Capablanca vs J Torres Caravaca, 1929 (A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 18 moves, 1-0, Hedgehog Bishop Gets Scotched Annotated by thewrongreason (1330): Just like what we saw with reversion's blitz game, where he was able to mate, Joe sacced his Q on f2. A Chernin vs Smejkal, 1991(A20) English, 32 moves, 1/2-1/2, ...Bb4 Answered by Nd5! Kosten vs T Clarke, 1999. S Lipnowski vs N Starr, 2004(A25) English, 34 moves, 1-0, Grand Prix Attack Selected English Opening Games, focusing on the Botvinnik System. This is my debut game, where I played a much higher rated … Serper vs Balashov, 1991 (A26) English, 34 moves, 1-0, *White Controls d5, Wins a Pawn with 20.Nxc6 @ an Exchange The move 1.c4 leads to the English Opening – one of the best chess openings for White. Follows Black Recapture on f5 With Bishop You can also watch top players and compete for prizes. Petrosian vs Vaganian, 1975 (A29) English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto, 24 moves, 1-0, 7...e4 Answered by Ne5 in Dragon Reversed Explore openings variations and find matching master chess games to study. I have selected some interesting games that will help you master the English Opening. Annotated by jamesxc (1392): This is actually a very interesting game, right up until the last move. Sliwa vs A Filipowicz, 1978(A26) English, 49 moves, 1-0, Chiburdanidze vs A Galliamova, 1992(A25) English, 55 moves, 1-0, 6.f4 Botvinnik vs Reshevsky, 1938 (A25) English, 37 moves, 1-0, Strong Combination to Win Sliwa vs J B Bednarski, 1960(A24) English, Bremen System with ...g6, 37 moves, 1-0, Kingside Pawn Attack Dorfman vs Razuvaev, 1992 (A20) English, 47 moves, 1-0, English vs. Dutch, Black Plays ...fxe4?! The term can refer to the initial moves by either side, White or Black, but an opening by Black may also be known as a defense.There are dozens of different openings, and hundreds of variants. Let’s talk about the English Opening. The English Opening is a flank opening in which White will launch an offensive on the queenside leading to a positional game. Puzzles. The English Opening is a chess opening that begins with the move: . A16 - English opening: 1. c4 Nf6 2. Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Chiburdanidze vs M Morena Bello, 1994(A20) English, 13 moves, 1-0, Dragon Reversed 6...Be7 The natural response, taking control of the center in response to the flank attack The fianchetto often occurs in the English from both players, though not usually this early. You enter a positional chess battle. K Spraggett vs D Ross, 1994(A10) English, 65 moves, 1-0, Botvinnik System, Black Capture on f5 with g pawn met by f4! K Lie vs K Trygstad, 2001(A10) English, 37 moves, 1-0, 1...d5 Goes Down Although the English has its own style, the opening is very flexible and many times transposes into other opening lines. Timman vs J B Bednarski, 1970 (A10) English, 25 moves, 1-0, Nd5 after Bb4 M Gurevich vs Gipslis, 1985(A29) English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto, 96 moves, 1-0, Taimanov vs Hort, 1975 (A25) English, 33 moves, 1-0, Grand Prix Attack White begins the fight for the centre by staking a claim to the d5-square from the wing, in hypermodern style. One of my personal favorites. Geller vs R Debarnot, 1976 (A25) English, 23 moves, 1-0, Nd5 follows an early Bb4 M Gurevich vs C Debray, 2012 (A20) English, 28 moves, 1-0, Copyright 2001-2021, Chessgames Services LLC, K Spraggett vs P San Segundo Carrillo, 1989, Clone this game collection (copy it to your account). The idea behind the English Opening is: White is trying to get Black out of his normal 1.d4 defense (Whether it's Kings Indian, Nimzo, or Queen's Gambit Declined) and transition into lines he is uncomfortable with. Gulko vs I Gurevich, 1993(A20) English, 23 moves, 1/2-1/2, Keres System 2...Nf6 3...c6 IQP W Schmidt vs Mitkov, 1994(A25) English, 77 moves, 1-0, Three Knights Punished English (1 c4 c5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 g3) : chess opening performance statistics, strategy and … If you remember, white can play 2 Bg5 in the dutch and do a lot of damage. Strong Combination to Win. The English Opening is a perfect choice for aggressive players who prefer to play schemes and creative plans rather than memorizing heavy theory. English Opening The English Opening is a flank opening and belongs to the closed chess opening systems. The English Opening Chess DVD The English Opening with 1.c4 is one of the most subtle yet combative means of starting a chess game. K Spraggett vs E Bhend, 1992 (A10) English, 50 moves, 0-1, Keres System, Black Avoids IQP by Capturing With a Knight A chess opening or simply an opening refers to the initial moves of a chess game. O Saevareid vs H Harestad, 2001(A20) English, 41 moves, 1-0, Early ...Bc5 But what to do on move two? However, white displayed some Hope Chess. Sicilian Defense. I have written some comments in order to help you to get the most out of this article. English (1 c4 e5 2 Nc3 Nc6 3 g3 g6 4 Bg2 Bg7 5 d3 d6) : chess opening performance … D Gurevich vs Nijboer, 1996 (A16) English, 36 moves, 1-0, Bremen System A Chernin vs Kupreichik, 1985(A10) English, 40 moves, 1-0, 4...e5 Leaves Big Hole on d6 Of course, there is a great deal of theory in the English Opening […] All Rights Reserved, Click here to start your training using the day-by-day program, Chess Opening Master Guide: Become an Opening Expert in 12 Months, 80/20 Tactics Multiplier: The Scotch Opening – IM Irina Bulmaga, Learning New Opening in 4 Easy Steps: A Master’s Guide, 5 Must-Do Things to Prepare for Your Next Tournament, Exchange Sacrifice for Defensive Purposes. (A20) English, 26 moves, 1-0. Tags: best games, chess, English, openings, English is a very popular opening choice that starts off with 1.c4. Most of the chess openings have been named and analyzed for hundreds of years. Serper vs Yermolinsky, 1992 (A20) English, 40 moves, 1-0, 6.f4 Smejkal vs O Castro, 1976(A10) English, 41 moves, 1-0, Grand Prix Attack Gelfand vs Smirin, 1988(A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 40 moves, 1-0, Black Plays ...fxe4 Korchnoi vs Yusupov, 1998 (A26) English, 61 moves, 1-0, White Wins an Exchange Starting With 18.b5 White takes space on the Queenside while keeping his options open about where he should place his pieces. D Ellison vs M Newman, 2001(A20) English, 32 moves, 1-0, Petrosian vs Gligoric, 1961 (A10) English, 32 moves, 1-0, Petrosian vs Janosevic, 1967 (A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 54 moves, 1-0, 9. f4 Leads to Victory Kosten vs O Kirsanov, 2001 (A25) English, 39 moves, 1-0, 17.d4! The Oxford Companion to Chess lists 1,327 named openings and variants. And its the fourth most famous chess move in … Kosten vs Kishnev, 2001(A20) English, 36 moves, 1-0, Polugaevsky vs N Gaprindashvili, 1979 (A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 35 moves, 1-0, Rubenstein Variation 8.Ne1 Illustrative games in the English Opening. Play. Saidy vs Fischer, 1968  (A25) English, 35 moves, 0-1, Black Plays 1...b6 L Dominguez vs Siu Hung Tung, 2011 (A20) English, 24 moves, 1-0, Good Knight vs Bad g7 Bishop (A16) English, 28 moves, 1-0. Besides the common opening moves 1.e4 and 1.d4, white’s most popular move is 1.c4, known as the English Opening. It is considered to be a hypermodern opening where white initiates fight for the center immediately taking control of d5 square. S Agdestein vs F Christenson, 2004(A25) English, 48 moves, 1-0, 4...e4? The English Opening is a chess opening when the following moves are played: 1.c4. 03.07.2016. H Lehtinen vs B Jaderholm, 2001(A20) English, 37 moves, 1-0, Vaganian vs Y Dokhoian, 1994(A14) English, 46 moves, 1-0, Petrosian vs Saidy, 1972 (A30) English, Symmetrical, 56 moves, 1-0, Early ...Bc5 T Mgeladze vs T Gelashvili, 2003 (A00) Uncommon Opening, 57 moves, 1-0, Symmetrical English 2...Nc6 Transposes to Maroczy Bind Kharlov vs Korotylev, 2002(A34) English, Symmetrical, 27 moves, 1-0, Grand Prix Attack Delchev vs S Simeonov, 2001(A15) English, 45 moves, 1-0, Exchange Sac Yields Menacing Passed Pawns Kosten vs O Jean, 2006(A29) English, Four Knights, Kingside Fianchetto, 35 moves, 1-0, White Q side attack A Tikovsky vs A Knotek, 2001(A00) Uncommon Opening, 25 moves, 1-0, 2...d5 Goes Down 878. ... Annotated chess games with this chess opening: chess opening #7642 (24) Suba Game #4 Christopher Ward (2467) vs. Mihai Suba (2530) Many books claim the English opening is drawish, but not as played here. K Rusev vs I Manolov, 2001(A34) English, Symmetrical, 48 moves, 1-0, Rubenstein Variation 8.Ne1 Tartakower vs Reti, 1908 (A30) English, Symmetrical, 34 moves, 1-0, N Davies vs T Thiel, 1994 (A20) English, 12 moves, 1-0, 8.f4 It is important if you want to be successful in chess to be familiar with some of the most popular openings and understand the theory behind the moves. A Kuligowski vs M Romanowski, 1996(A10) English, 40 moves, 1-0, Blocked Center, Attack on the Wing The English Opening in chess is one of the most common flank openings. S Balster vs Z Dub, 2001(A10) English, 32 moves, 1-0, Dutch Goes Down 1. c4. Sliwa vs M Damjanovic, 1966(A21) English, 31 moves, 1-0, Early ...b6 L Ptacnikova vs G Kjartansson, 2001(A25) English, 42 moves, 1-0, Prototypical Botvinnink Themes, Crushing Tactical Finale! The move 1.Nf3 leads to the Reti Openings – a strong chess opening for White. Kosten vs G Lilley, 1999. In today’s article we will explore how great players of the past and present have treated English and learn the … One of the first players to use the English Opening successfully was Howard Staunton. C F Ekeberg vs E Brekken, 2000(A25) English, 45 moves, 1-0, Black Loses a Piece The English Opening. E M Green vs P G Henry, 1974 (A25) English, 25 moves, 1-0, N Bojkovic vs A Rusomanov, 2002(A30) English, Symmetrical, 30 moves, 1-0, A Mirzoev vs A Szieberth, 2001(A31) English, Symmetrical, Benoni Formation, 35 moves, 1-0, 8.f4 Search the chess games database, download games, view frequent practitioners and browse the Opening Explorer Select your search criteria like: player's name, ECO code or result, and you will get the resultant chess games … K Spraggett vs P San Segundo Carrillo, 1989 (A26) English, 45 moves, 1-0, * Nice Exchange Sac N Davies vs C Duncan, 1999 (A25) English, 30 moves, 1-0, Prototypical Botvinnik System 9.f3 Breaks Pin It is recommended for the experienced positional chess player who has a lot of chess knowledge and who knows how to handle complex positions in a positionally correct way. whiteshark: Opening of the Day > Opening Explorer: Mar-09-10 : rapidcitychess: The English Bremen <1 c4 e5> is very good. D Ardila vs B Raad, 2001(A20) English, 24 moves, 1-0, Early ...Bc5 B Socko vs A Leniart, 2012(A25) English, 42 moves, 1-0, Thematic struggle for the center in the English White develops. E Ghaem Maghami vs E Hossain, 2005(A30) English, Symmetrical, 58 moves, 1-0, Symmetrical Maroczy Bind The best chess openings after 1.d4 are the Queen’s Gambit, the King’s Indian Defense, the Slav Defense, the Grunfeld Defense, and the Nimzo Indian Defense. A13 - English opening: 1. c4 e6 . The first few moves in the chess opening lays the foundation for every chess game. After Bb4 Strong Finish. Free online chess opening database and ECO explorer, English opening (A16) Chess Openings. The Sicilian defense (1. e4, c5) is black's most popular response to e4, especially … Learn several lines from three strong games. English opening begins with 1.c4 move. Take note of the slow maneuvering he uses instead of a direct attack which was more common for this time period. With time controls of 5 min plus 10 or 20 seconds, the players are forced to play fairly rapidly but can also sit and think here and there… 0. Vladimirov vs Mamedyarov, 2002(A15) English, 24 moves, 1-0, Exchange Sac Selected English Opening Games, focusing on the Botvinnik System. But, doing this, is what led to rrrrrrrrandom's downfall. Romanishin vs Polugaevsky, 1974 (A15) English, 41 moves, 1-0, Strong White Knights After Dark Square Bishop Exchange Reti vs Carls, 1925 (A34) English, Symmetrical, 35 moves, 1-0, *Reversed Dragon Search through more than 3,000 opening lines to find the perfect chess opening for you. Chess Opening Explorer From the initial position, you can browse move by move, our entire chess games database Search Chess Games Searching in our Chess Games Database it's really easy! Korchnoi vs Stefan Szabo, 1954 (A22) English, 30 moves, 1-0, Sacs and Tactics Galore! I got back into chess via chess.com and after playing for a while here (chess.com rating around 1500), I decided it was time to play some classical games again and joined a team in Switzerland. M Cebalo vs Miles, 1986(A20) English, 50 moves, 0-1, Seize the Open C File, the Rest is Just Technique! English Chess Master Howard Staunton. K Spraggett vs J Cuadras Avellana, 1992(A20) English, 29 moves, 1-0, C Hansen vs Hector, 2003 (A22) English, 48 moves, 1-0, Keres System 2...Nf6 3...c6 Keres vs O Karlin, 1944(A20) English, 21 moves, 1-0, Black Plays Nxd5?! It is the 4th most popular opening from White and has a high success rate. English opening is a tricky chess opening for beginners and for club chess players because it can transpose into new chess openings. Nc3. In the English Opening, White chooses to fight for the center using a - relatively - wing pawn, as in the Sicilian Defense. Do a lot of damage the most out of this article take note of best... 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