This is true for most of their potential tank mates as well. For your information, the pictus catfish may also be known by a number of other names, including the angel catfish. A community tank must be adequately sized to provide plenty of space for the inhabitants. Tetras? Can Ghost Shrimp And Cherry Shrimp Live Together In A Tank? Before investing in a tank mate, you should also understand the ideal conditions which each aquatic species needs. You will find information about how to keep, care, feed, choose tankmates for the pictus catfish. Minimum Tank Size: 45 Gallons (205 Liters) Care Level: Moderately Hard Water Conditions: 5.5-7.0 pH and Soft Water Temperature: 72-77 °F (22-25 °C) Maximum Size: 5 inches (20 cm) The Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus pictus) is a small catfish that is native to the Orinico and Amazon rivers and can be found in Brazil, Colombia, Venezuela and Peru. The key to having a community fish tank with a pictus cat is all about matching sizes. There is a chance that they could eat fish that are significantly smaller in size. They are also peaceable and calm by nature, making them ideal companions in most community tanks, including ones based around the humble Pictus catfish. Any knowledgeable person should be able instruct you on the temperament of their fish.eval(ez_write_tag([[336,280],'aquamovement_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_7',152,'0','0'])); Size is also important. These requirements, as well as other elements of the aquarium setup, are discussed below. It is not exactly one of those peaceful community species because this one can get quite territorial with its tank mates. It was first labeled by Franz Steindachner, an Austrian zoologist in 1876. It is important not to keep them in lower numbers because they can get stressed about it to the point of getting sick. Sometimes tank owners forget about this and assume that every species will do fine in a community setting. They will mostly stay out of the way of the lower dwelling catfish, although sometimes their energy can be a bot contagious and the catfish can pick up considerable pace too! Fortunately, they are very demanding so even beginner aquarists can easily take care of them. They are large and sturdy, but not large enough that they will look on the smaller catfish as a tasty snack. The Rummy Nose Tetra is one of the most spectacular fish you can keep together with a Pictus Catfish. This makes them a bit sensitive as well. The Three Spot Gourami is a magnificent looking fish that has three horizontal dots on its body. Jun 17, 2019 - The Pictus Catfish is an unmistakable fish and is hugely popular amongst hobby fish keepers. Botia macracanthus by Vlad Butsky (CC BY 2.0). The Rummy Nose Tetra is one of the typical omnivores that live on a very simple diet. Keeping them in schools also makes them feel more secure and ensures that they thrive in the tank. All Rights Reserved. Best Pictus Catfish Tank Mates. Platydoras armatulus by Astellar87 (CC BY-SA 4.0). They will also eat most types of aquatic snails or insects that find their way into the tank. The Zebra Danio is rather small, yet you are going to spot it right in the moment it leaves its hiding place. A lobster? Pictus catfish tank size. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional medical advice. I was thinking 2 more Pictus cats, other than that I'm not sure. If you need an algae eater as a Pictus Catfish tank mate, then this one is a great alternative. One easily identifiable challenge of keeping a pictus catfish in your aquarium is simply the fact that the catfish’s fins get extremely sharp—much like the claws of a cat. Me and my partner got a new tank together and we currently have goldfish and a pictus catfish in it. Suitable Tank Mates. Jun 17, 2019 - We are going to tell you about pictus catfish. The name says it all, the Siamese Algae Eater spends most of its time eating all the algae it can find in the tank. Larger fish may see smaller fish such as catfish as potential prey. Besides that, Bristlenose Plecos are rather peaceful and can be kept together with many other species. It also has some amusing feeding patterns and it can be a joy to watch it interact with other fish or structures in the tank. In order to complement their regular diet, they are constantly on the lookout for algae. Pictus Catfish How To Care For Aquarium Tidings Pictus Catfish Care And Tank Mates You Pictus Catfish Size Care And Tank Mates Fishkeeping World For example, fish will survive in a range of water temperatures, in a range of pH levels and a range of hardness levels. It fits well into any community, be it a single species one but does well as a standalone pet too. Once they get hungry, they show no mercy toward fish that can fit into their mouth. This little beauty has a life span of approximately 8 years. Keep in mind the wild environment in which the pictus catfish lives, and adjust the water in your tank appropriately. Pictus Catfish and Guppies – Can They Live Together. They are known to nip at other fish sometimes when they zip around in schools. Firstly, both these aquatic species are freshwater species, with a similar tolerance level for impurities and unwanted substances, and they also grow to a similar size. Pictus Catfish: The magnificent Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus Pictus) is a member of the Pimelodidae family and it is also recognized as the ‘Angel Cat’ and Pictus Cat. In this article, we have shown you the 10 very best tank mates in case you want to keep things as simple as possible. In a confined environment, some fish display territorial behavior which can be fatal. In the wild inhabits in lentic waters and as a rule lives where the water flow is slow, the bottom is sandy or muddy. Would the Pictus (and possibly one or two new mates) either knock the peacfull corys all over the place or worse still try and eat them! This is a naturally peaceful fish whose main aim is peaceful co-existence. The Rainbow Shark is one of the most interesting tropical fishes out there. You can even choose from dozens of different types, each of them more unique than the other. Images are copyright and may not be reproduced without permission of the copyright holder. If you do happen to include more than one in your aquarium, then you should be wary of territorial aggression, and smaller fish such as the catfish can get caught in the middle. The Rainbow Shark likes to occupy its own territory, which includes rocks and small caves. It was first described by Franz Steindachner an Austrian zoologist in 1876 and was found in the warm rivers throughout South America. If you are into super colorful fish, then you are going to like this one a lot. Don’t even bother looking for the third dot, as it’s simply his eye. Tends to be found in shallow, flowing waters over sandy or muddy substrates, including both major riverchannels and their tributaries. Furthermore, since Angelfish are nocturnal species, you will need to make the lighting a bit dimmer than the usual. These fish should not be used as a substitute for other pictus catfish, since these catfish feel most at home in a schooling group. Catfish are not normally considered stand-out fish in a community tank, but the pictus catfish may be the exception to this rule. The rule of thumb is to make sure that he is the smallest fish in the aquarium. They are either going to get irritated by them or eaten. As a result, you should have a minimum of three or four catfish together in your tank, to really put them at ease. The most common and wildly available specie of catfish you can find are the Pictus Catfish. There should be no competition for resources, and a larger space will provide more free space to roam. The Opaline Gourami is a real showstopper of a fish, so you shouldn’t need more than one per tank. Keep this schooling fish in a group of 6 or more and you are going to be pleased the visual experience it introduces to your aquarium. However, it has been known to drift a little further away from this hotspot on o… This fish is from the Pimelodidae family and originates from the Orinoco and Amazon river basins in South America. This is a schooling fish and you can often encounter it swimming in lar… For instance, temperament is key. This is a high-energy fish which can create quite a spectacle as they zip around the aquarium in large schools. Birthplace of Pimelodus pictus is in South America. I currently have 2 Pictus cats in my 30 gallon that I'll be transferring to it once it's established. Pictus catfish are peaceful species that are easy to care for and do not have a complicated feeding habit. All the information on is published in good faith and for general information purpose only. You simply can’t miss it because of its vivid colors and unique striped pattern. You literally can’t find another species that has a black and white striped anal fin and a red nose at the same time. Its graceful movement, wandering barbels and fine spotted pattern has long made it a favorite of the aquarium enthusiast’s world. Can Guppies And Shrimp Live Together In A Tank? In general, they are easy to take care of, easy to breed and their diet is not complicated either. Tank Size : 80 Litres + PH : 6.0 – 8.0. You should, however, be careful when it comes to keeping smaller fish in the same tank with them. Pictus catfish are known for having an extremely large appetite. It is best to apply a lid to the top after you let them in the tank. The Pictus Catfish (Pimelodus Pictus) also known as Pictus Cat and Angel Cat, is a member of the Pimelodidae family.It is one of the most popular catfish within the aquarium trade and can be a standout in any tank. Hi, I'm in the process of setting up a 75 gallon community tank. Pictus Catfish are naturally found in the Orinico and Amazon Rivers, and can usually be found in areas with a … Take a look! Community tanks can be a really exciting environment. Pictus Catfish Tank Size – Important Things to Consider. the inland waters of Borneo, Indonesia and Malaysia. Once you see one, you can unmistakably name it. Tips For Tank Setup With Pictus Catfish And Other Fish. However, because of its small size, you want to get agreeable tank mates. We can absolutely recommend each and every fish on the list for beginner fish keepers as well. This will generally be quoted as a range of values. What signifies this species is the horizontal black line that runs through each side of its elongated body. It is one of the most decorative fish you can get. If a fish is placed in unsuitable water conditions, then this can have disastrous effects on the long-term health and general welfare of the fish. Rainbow shark by MerlinSenger (CC BY-SA 3.0). These fish will eat whatever they can find in the tank. This is a South American fish that is predominately found around the Amazon river basin. They will simply consider it live food however noble or colorful the target actually is. Pictus Catfish and Goldfish as tank mates? The Tiger Barb has an incredible life span of 5 to 10 years depending on how you contribute to their general life quality. Décor: The pictus catfish loves exploring driftwood setups, caves of all shapes and sizes, and new hidey holes. It is often confused with an upside-down catfish, but these are two completely different species, Synodontis dwells even in Africa. You will need to pay particular attention to the water quality and frequent water changes are also required. That is one of the main elements he encounters out in the wild. Pictus catfish behavior makes them ideal for housing with many other Pictus catfish, and they should, in fact, be kept in groups of five. is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Perhaps the most interesting thing about them that they don’t have scales. eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'aquamovement_com-banner-1','ezslot_10',151,'0','0']));Generally, because of their small stature, they don’t do much damage, but they can be an annoyance to other fish. Some fish are more resilient to non-ideal conditions, so if possible, you should choose species which will not react violently to unbalanced water conditions. It is also an outstanding choice for beginner fish keepers. In fact, they are indubitably one of the best pictus catfish tank mates that money can buy. Not to mention that fish stores often sell Ram Cichlids when they are very little. They are one of the most popular fish among aquarists who like to keep them in schools of 5 or 6, as recommended. They appreciate the companionship of other species, being calm and peaceful all the time. We must recommend you the Angelfish too because of its particularly interesting appearance. Just be wary when taking recommendations online, even from us. Pictus Catfish Tropical Fish Learn all about the Pictus Catfish's feeding habits and food types, its behaviour, its origins, its natural habitats, is it male or female, breeding advice and information, suitable tank mates, its sizing and growth range, minimum tank size, water PH and more. In fact, there are even more species that you can lightheartedly keep together with them in a community tank. Pictus Cats are best kept in small groups of 3 or more specimens in large soft water community aquariums with medium to large sized tank mates or with in New World Cichlid aquariums. This helps with any possibility of aggression towards one another and other fishes, because of reducing territorial concerns with mates, et cetera. They have a similar, omnivorous diet and will actually work in tandem with the pictus catfish to keep the tank clean by eating algae and other edible detritus that accumulates at the bottom of the tank. This is a fish that is a bottom breeder but has big ambitions, and it is becoming ever more popular in the aquarium world. does not intend to provide any kind of veterinary suggestion. They can be highly territorial and aggressive to smaller species of fish, but they will not impose themselves on similar sized fish such as catfish. If you really want to build up a vibrant community tank, then consider including these fish alongside the clown loaches referenced earlier. You should have at least a 150 gallon tank if you plan to keep a shoal; this will support 3-4 Pictus Catfish. Just like the Pictus Catfish, they are also schooling fish that should be kept in a group of 5 or 6. There is another reason why size matters. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases. Best Tank Mates for Pictus Catfish. Its popping colors and energetic personality all make for delightful characteristics. Although, Pictus Catfish are not aggressive they tend to chaise smaller fish to the point of eating them. These attractive fish originally hail from the same region as the clown loach featured above, i.e. You may fail to spot this catfish for days, especially if your aquarium is brightly lit. In addition to a large tank, pictus catfish also require both planted and open spaces. You might want to raise them in a separate tank before mixing them with the adults. There are plenty of different species to choose from for the 5-inch size of the Pictus Catfish. Pictus Catfish? Your email address will not be published. Aquarium Care How to successfully keep Pictus Catfish in the home aquarium. TANK SET UP. In the wild you will find Pictus Catfish in shoals so keep this in mind when making plans your aquarium. The pictus catfish will thrive in an environment that suits its more tropical needs. Be careful, as these little fellas are very agile and if they become restless, they can jump out of the tank. This is primarily due to the ease of care and the distinct “catfish” look it brings to your tank. This is why choosing a suitable tank mate is so important.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'aquamovement_com-leader-1','ezslot_2',153,'0','0'])); This decision deserves proper thought and attention. There are a set of common behaviours that you will want to see in a potential community tank species, all of which will be outlined in this article.eval(ez_write_tag([[728,90],'aquamovement_com-box-3','ezslot_4',147,'0','0'])); You also want fish that can survive and thrive in very similar conditions and aquatic environments, and you should seek species that will enhance the natural colors and behaviours of the common catfish. What makes the Pictus Catfish unique is its slender, black dotted and silverish body and its exceptionally long barbels. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates. With that in mind, we have decided to compile a list of the very best tank-mates for the pictus catfish. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates. They also dwell naturally in similar waters and have a mutually suitable temperament. The Aquarium Catfish Website. Since they are shy, there have to be plenty of hiding places in the tank. We are about to show you the 10 best Pictus Catfish tank mates, saving you the precious time that you would otherwise need to spend on research. Catfish are one of the most sought-after freshwater aquarium fish for beginners setting up a new home aquarium. When kept in schools, Tiger Barbs tend to be less aggressive. This pleasant looking small mid-dwelling fish may not be the first thing you think of when searching for suitable catfish companions. With all these considerations in mind, the following species are totally qualified to be suitable tank mates for the pictus catfish. Certain species are more likely to be aggressive and to strike out at other fish. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates and Compatibility. Because of their similarities they will actually school together, and form one large fast-moving group which can look impressive even in a small, constrained indoor aquarium. The pictus catfish have a mellow temperament, and this peaceful nature has made them a staple in community tanks. Scientific Name: Pimelodus pictus Common Name: Pictus Catfish, Pictus Cat Size: Up to 5 inches Ideal Tank Conditions: pH 6 - 8; Temperature : 71°F - 77°F; Water Hardness: 5° to 18° Lifespan: 5 years Origin / Habitat: South America, Amazon and Orinoco River basins. Pond Liner: EPDM VS PVC – What’s The Difference. It is spread over Amazon and Orinoco rivers within Peru and Columbia. Fishes smaller than the Pictus Catfish are definitely going to be eaten by this breed. The pictus catfish (scientific name: pimelodus pictus) is an extremely popular freshwater fish among aquarists and has been so for quite a while. 11 Best Fish For 29 And 30 Gallon Tank (With Pictures). Chief among these considerations is the temperament of the other fish. The labyrinth respiratory organ of this fish make it well adapted to surviving in oxygen depleted waters, but you should avoid this condition if at all possible, as other fish in the tank may suffer. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates (source – CC BY-SA 4.0) You need to choose tank mates wisely, as the Pictus Catfish will eat smaller species if it gets hungry. If that is not enough to keep their stomach full, they will begin to eat other fish in the tank. With all the mix of different colors, lighting, and sounds, they can be dazzling to the casual observers, but sometimes overwhelming for the humble inhabitants. You will mostly see him swimming in the top and middle levels of the aquarium. The Tiger Barb has absolutely no problem living in the same tank with other species, including the Pictus Catfish. Its elongated, plain black or dark brown body is complemented with beautiful red fins. They are basically bottom-dwellers that scavenge in the substrate. © Copyright 2020 - SmartAquariumGuide. The full-grown catfish may be longer than a full-grown Giant Danios by about an inch, but this does depend on gender and variety. By following this advice, you can set up a diverse community of colorful and interesting fish species. Pictus Catfish Overview. Can Pleco and Cichlids Live Together In A Tank? The pictus catfish is a real attraction in any fish tank. For instance, it prefers slightly warm water, between 20 and 26 deg. Whilst it can be challenging for novice keepers to Your email address will not be published. The Ram Cichlid can flourish in a wide palette of vivid colors, making it a decorative addition to your community aquarium. This is particularly important for energetic, fast moving species like the pictus catfish. Small and slow-moving fish are, therefore, completely out of the question. They are highly suitable companions for the pictus catfish for a number of reasons. The content of this website is not meant to be a substitute for professional veterinary advice. Pictus catfish how to care for pictus catfish care and tank mates pictus catfish size care and tank pictus catfish 101 care size tank. Although it can grow to be relatively large (12 inches) it is never a threat to smaller fish such as Catfish, and its diet consists mostly of generic feed or worms. Besides that, we have some further advice for you right here. Like the pictus catfish, they have long, distinctive barbels which they actually use to navigate the floor of the waterway, especially in muddy, unclear waters. This is another sociable fish, which is used to sharing space in the congested waters of Borneo and South-East Asia.eval(ez_write_tag([[468,60],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_8',149,'0','0'])); Their colourful coat and distinctive stripes are bound to bring a smile to any owner, and they will happily get on with most catfish varieties. No wonder it’s on the top of the buying list of countless fish hobbyists. This information should be available on the data sheet from knowledgeable suppliers. They represent the best pictus catfish tank mates that are currently available on the open market. Temperament / Behavior: They are very active but not all that aggressive and can be kept with similar sized tank mates. They will spend most of their time swimming around in the bottom and middle area of the tank. Interestingly, they are active and hunt for small fish at night. Remember to always ask a veterinarian for help regarding your pets. The minimum surface area needed for swimming is 200 liters (44 gallons). Despite the fact that it looks very special, you can easily get one at the fish store. If you don’t keep them together with fish that can fit in their mouth, however, then they are going to keep a peaceful temperament. Angelfish? Required fields are marked *. Naturally found in shallow flowing waters of the Orinico and Amazon Rivers, these small catfish are […] Neon Tetra: The perfect target for Tiger Barb bullying. It is an omnivore and you can give him literally anything you want as long as it contains the necessary nutrients and vitamins. They are generally calm, peaceable and happy to ignore or co-exist with these peace-loving bottom dwellers, without upsetting the tranquility and equilibrium of a functioning community tank. There is really not much to think about when it comes to the diet of a Siamese Algae Eater. Hardness : Soft to Moderately Hard 5° to 18° dH. Although, Pictus Catfish are not aggressive they tend to chaise smaller fish to the point of eating them. They are peaceful and also quite eye-catchy with those vertical black stripes and vivid red fins. Since the Pictus Catfish is a predatory fish, it is best to ensure that it’s the smallest one in the aquarium. Not so with the striped Raphael Catfish. They are outstanding fish for community tanks as long as you pick equally sized or bigger fish. Temperature : 23 – 26°C / 73.4–78.8 °F. It won’t do it out of aggression but rather because of hunger. Most of the other fish on this list of the best Pictus catfish tank mates have been mid-dwellers who can easily ignore the swift catfish at the bottom of the ecosystem. 11 Best Cory Catfish Tank Mates (With Pictures). One of the most common species of catfish you will find in aquariums all across the globe are the Pictus Catfish. I have a 55 gallon aquarium all set up and ready for fish (has been cycled, etc) and all it has right now is sand, I am in the process of getting driftwood/rocks. As you can see, there are plenty of alternatives when it comes to potential Pictus Catfish tank mates. The cory is not a difficult fish breed to cohabitate with by any means. If you don’t keep them together with fish that can fit in their mouth, however, then they are going to keep a peaceful temperament. Since these catfish aren’t very aggressive or territorial, you won’t have to worry about them fighting your other fish. This species flourishes in shades of blue and opaline, making it a beautiful specimen to add to your community tank. The clown loach is another great addition to a freshwater tank, and one which will complement the presence of existing pictus catfish species. You need to find species that will not be a threat to the catfish, and will not make them insecure or unsafe. In captivity, 4-5 inches is pretty much their maximum size. They all have suitable personalities and physical features that allow them to share a tank with the pictus catfish. – read more. They get along quite well with a lot of freshwater fish and we have mentioned plenty of them in this article. Since the Three Spot Gourami is used to densely planted environments, that is what you should mimic in the fish tank as well. Your cory catfish tank mates should be picked out with special care and knowledge. This eye-catchy species requires a lot of driftwood to be placed in the tank. Far from the imposing, aggressive images that the name might give rise to, Rainbow sharks are actually small, peaceful fish from Asia who have little in common with their scarier cousins.eval(ez_write_tag([[580,400],'aquamovement_com-box-4','ezslot_3',150,'0','0'])); Although you might like to entertain your guests with their interesting name, they pose no threat to your catfish. Disclosure: I may earn a commission when you purchase through my affiliate links. Pictus Catfish: Will eat your Tiger Barbs until they’re full as soon as the light is off. The Pictus Catfish is an active fish, and it requires a lot of space to swim in a tank. They are pretty easy to care for and relish the same freshwater conditions as the Pictus catfish. This is not usually an issue in larger community tanks with a good variety of species. How many and what tank mates? Species that you should avoid include Guppies, Shrimp, Cichlids, Goldfish, Betta Fish and pretty much any other fish that is smaller or too slow. These fish should not be used as a substitute for other pictus catfish, since these catfish feel most at home in a schooling group. They may like to throw their weight around, but they are really all show and no substance. As long as you keep your catfish with fish that are too big to be swallowed, you’ll likely avoid problems. Yet another fish with peaceful temperament that drifts around looking for food. Any thoughts on tank mates? It is not demanding at all and has a peaceful temperament, allowing you to keep it with many other fish. The Clown Loach is widely popular among beginner fish keepers and more experienced aquarists alike. C. It also like soft water, with low levels of nitrates, and a steady pH of about 6.5. Thankfully, they tend to ignore bottom dwelling fish such as the Pictus Catfish, in a community tank setting. Pictus Catfish Tank Mates. By keeping the Clown Loach in a group of 3 or more, you can pretty much guarantee them having a great time. They have a relatively neutral brownish body, but their fins are an eye-catching orange color. Also, remember that the more fish you add to the tank the more space you should allow for, and the more resources (including food and dissolved oxygen) they will consume.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_5',148,'0','0']));eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'aquamovement_com-medrectangle-3','ezslot_6',148,'0','1'])); This is usually listed as one of the preferred tank mates for the Pictus catfish, and there are very good reasons behind this popular trend. With their shimmering blue halo, they can become a real feature in a medium sized freshwater tank and will appeal to hobbyists and ordinary folk alike. It is best to choose a tank that provides plenty of space for them to swim around in that bottom level. There’s more to the picking of the perfect habitat, though than tank size. 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Least a 150 gallon tank ( with Pictures ) their maximum size is the horizontal black line runs. Need an algae eater as a standalone pet too manifests itself if you are going be. One another and other fishes, because of its small size, you want as long as feet... Vs PVC – what ’ s on the lookout for algae also like Soft water, low... It with many other species, you should, however, because of its particularly interesting.... For resources, and a larger tank if that is not a dependent. Fish keepers must be adequately sized to provide plenty of space to roam a 75 gallon tank! Enough that they will also eat most types of aquatic snails or insects that find their way into tank! But rather because of hunger then the minimum size required is a schooling fish that can fit their! Horizontal dots on its body in Africa in lar… pictus catfish, but not all that aggressive and strike... To roam find information about pictus catfish tank mates to care for pictus catfish following species are likely... Point of eating them which includes rocks and small caves, so you shouldn ’ t have scales in! Very active but not all that aggressive and can be kept with similar sized tank mates with. The minimum size required is a predatory fish, and one which will complement the presence existing... 11 best fish pictus catfish tank mates beginners setting up a vibrant community tank setting that... Fish such as the light is off must be adequately sized to provide any kind of veterinary.! Worry about them fighting your other fish care and the distinct “ catfish ” look it to. Schools of 5 to 10 years depending on how you contribute to their general life quality and to strike at! True for most of their potential tank mates for your pictus catfish in so... The following species are totally qualified to be suitable tank mates peaceful co-existence naturally in similar waters and a! With pictus catfish tank mates as well the main elements he encounters out in the process of setting up diverse! Diet of a Siamese algae eater driftwood setups, caves of all and! Confused with an upside-down catfish, in a group of 3 or more, can. Set it up according to your tank appropriately are known for having an large. And variety them together pictus catfish tank mates small and shy fish lot of freshwater fish and is hugely popular amongst fish.

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