In the late 19th century, Filipino intellectuals and the middle class began calling for independence. For a country to be independent means it is a nation whose people are recognized collectively. Ibrahim Rugova The violation of the Fundamental Principle of Independence is often perceived as a serious threat to the integrity of a National Society. Home › Delhi NCR › Noida › role of congress in independence of country देश की आजादी में कांग्रेस की भूमिका. The Preamble sets forth the fundamental ideas of American independence and governance. Every country has it’s own reason why they do not support the independence of Kosovo. Independence is a great idea. You should be proud to be an American. If not, then they cannot truly be described as sovereign or “independent”. Sometimes countries get their independence in a war, as when the United States left the British Empire in the American War of Independence. Guyana - Guyana - Independence: To answer the PNC allegation that the existing electoral system unduly favoured the South Asian community, the British government introduced for the elections of December 1964 a new system of proportional representation. Independence is having the freedom to go to a movie, a museum, a show, another country by yourself and the confidence to do it without being worried about … Bahrain - The country declared its Independence from the British on August 15, 1971, following a UN survey of the Bahraini population. Independence is a condition of a nation, country, or state in which its residents and population, or some portion thereof, exercise self-government, and usually sovereignty, over the territory. There are benefits of energy independence. Kazakhstan’s Independence Day, celebrated on December 16 to commemorate the fulfillment of the Kazakh people’s long-cherished dream of having an independent state, which happened on December 16, 1991, fills every heart in Kazakhstan with pride and joy now. People often gained rights that should never have been denied, such as the right vote and the right to choose a religion. A country cannot truly exercise its independence unless they hold the sovereign power to dictate their own internal and external affairs. Soeharto, for all his evils, was a benevolent dictator. Synonym Discussion of independent. In many cases, the natives were treated as a lower class or were exterminated. This meant that instead of being recognized as lands filled with people who have their own thoughts, beliefs, and plans, these lands were treated as the possessions of other people. The movement spanned a total of 90 years (1857–1947).. Energy independence is important as it impacts not just the fuel of a country but the political relations a country has with other countries. They are identified by the character, morals, and beliefs they have chosen for themselves. Equality. For many nations the date is the country's day of independence, often in hard fought battles to claim their freedom. How to use independence in a sentence. Independence - definition of independence by The Free Dictionary. After all, the place has all the trappings of countryhood. I don’t believe that many people were ready for the consequences of that freedom. Independence is an important word for most countries in the world. GEORGE GALLOWAY has exposed the true chaos for Scotland if the country were to leave the over 300-year-old Union following an independence referendum. Kazakhstan is the most economically successful country in Central Asia on the right track towards becoming one… Qualities of a Sovereign State . From Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English Related topics: Government, Sociology independence in‧de‧pen‧dence / ˌɪndəˈpendəns / W2 noun [uncountable] 1 PG INDEPENDENT COUNTRY OR ORGANIZATION political freedom from control by the government of another country independence from Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960. The foreigners exploited the land, caused war among the natives, and kept most of them in poverty. In science, as in independent variable the word does not mean it's good or bad. Wikibuy Review: A Free Tool That Saves You Time and Money, 15 Creative Ways to Save Money That Actually Work. independence is one of the key elements that the Movement wants to maintain, despite the fact that no concrete consequences are explicitly defined by the principle itself. I love the cookouts, the fireworks, and the parades. If the government does not uphold its responsibility, it is th… But that in itself means little because Montevideo Convention already accords you the right to defend your territory even if no state or UN recognizes you as independent. The Declaration of Independence is divided into three parts: the Preamble, the list of accusations against then-King George III, and the conclusion. Somaliland is a case in point. independence synonyms, independence pronunciation, independence translation, English dictionary definition of independence. Examples include Wine Country (the grape-growing area of northern California) and Coal Country (the coal-mining region of Pennsylvania). Liechtenstein - The world's sixth smallest nation marks its Independence Day on August 15 to commemorate its liberation from Germany rule in 1866. A country gets its independence when it is no longer part of another country. A country gets its independence when it is no longer part of another country. It also means being strong and able to survive alone. Its literal meaning is … Learn about a little known plugin that tells you if you're getting the best price on Amazon. 10. The book promoted the absolute virtues of independence both in finances, friendships and ideas. When people talk about independence, it may be about people or countries, where it is often being spoken about as a good thing. Democracy, as envisaged in Constitution of India proceeds on the fundamental postulate that ultimately political sovereignty vests in the people of the country. Singapore gained independence from Malaysia in 1965. So independence of Judiciary is the basic requisite for ensuring the objectives of the constitution that is the Fourth of July, also known as Independence Day here in the states is my favorite holiday. In 1816, Argentina declared its … Ultimately, just about every country in Latin America gained its independence from Spain between 1821 and 1898 and continues to celebrate their freedom from colonization. Therefore for a country like India where there is diversity of religion and culture it is only and only the independence of judiciary which is upholding the pillar of democratic system in free society. Anything can be dependent or independent. An independent country has the right to establish a constitution which outlines it fundamental principles. The Indian independence movement was a movement from 1857 until 15 August 1947, when India got its independence from the British Raj. Taking into account the deaths that occurred in the years preceding and following the official 1919 to 1921 dates given for the War of Independence, the numbers come to some 2,500. Afterwards, however, many people didn’t know what to do. When the founding fathers envisioned our country, there was boundless potential. Independence. He tries to stick around his old hangout, but his owners politely inform him that independence means that you’re really on your own. n. 1. Independence of Judiciary is not genuflexion; nor is it opposition to every proposition of Government. Hait i- January 1, 1803. Is Amazon actually giving you the best price? independence - the successful ending of the American Revolution; "they maintained close relations with England even after independence" triumph , victory - a successful ending of a struggle or contest; "a narrow victory"; "the general always gets credit for his army's victory"; "clinched a victory"; "convincing victory"; "the agreement was a triumph for common sense" Therefore this is the reason why the framers of the Indian constitution at the time of framing the constitution of India were very much concerned to have independence of judiciary otherwise the term “fundamental rights” would become mere commodity or toy in the hands of political leaders. However lets not forget that our nation was founded on colonization. In 1870, Independence Day was formally established as an official holiday by Congress, but workers weren't paid for that day. Definition: Independence or National Days are perhaps the most important day for a country to commemorate as a national holiday. Pride. Independence is a Personal Virtue, Not a Political One. Independence definition is - the quality or state of being independent. Another complicating factor in setting up a country is the fact that, for one territory to become a new state, another already existing sovereign state must lose some of its territory. Pride. freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others. Land was divided according to the will of the foreigners who broke up communities and forced people from their homes. Other countries that became independent not long ago are Bosnia and Herzegovina in 1992, Eritrea in 1993 and East Timor in 2002. Independence allows us to see a world that we have not yet explored, where life … On July 2 the Congress had resolved that ‘these United Colonies are, and of … A country was born. An independent country has the right to establish a constitution which outlines it fundamental principles. Attaining independence is one of the most important milestones in the … One of the possible reasons is that they are afraid that a certain part of their own country wants to break-up. As a result, freedom from colonization often involved a lot of violence. My vision is that our country should be integrated in the EU, to transfer a part of our independence there. If these ideas sound similar, they should be. What are some of the benchmarks that are required before any country should consider independence? Even though the European Americans won their freedom from Great Britain in the 1700's the original people who colonized this country did carry out some brutal acts. When he is finally offered freedom, there are a few awkward moments where he’s not quite sure what to do – as if he doesn’t understand the real implications of his liberty. The opposite of independence is a dependent territory. Independence… it’s a powerful word that wraps what is often a dangerous concept. For most countries, being independent means they have been released. image caption People in Somaliland celebrate the anniversary of the country's declaration of independence. Independence comes from a nice medieval French word, depenre, meaning "to hang from," or "to hang down." For a country to be independent means it is a nation whose people are recognized collectively. Independence Day (colloquially the Fourth of July or July 4) is a federal holiday in the United States commemorating the Declaration of Independence of the United States, on July 4, 1776. Foreigners took over land from natives, and when they did, they sometimes used crooked, vicious, and brutal methods. A good example of this reason is Spain, that is probably afraid for a split of Catalonia from Spain. The people's lives were dictated by the decisions made by a few strangers in a place that was usually very far away. Learn more. Declaration of Independence, document approved by the Continental Congress on July 4, 1776, that announced the separation of 13 North American British colonies from Great Britain. Usually, an independence day is recognized as a national holiday resulting in the closing of many public facilities. Independent definition is - not dependent: such as. independence definition: 1. freedom from being governed or ruled by another country: 2. the ability to live your life…. Canadian Independence Day. Additionally, the purpose of government is the ensure that these rights are available to its citizens. In this time of shifting politics and governments, it’s important to understand the nature and origin of … ~ There is also the chance of Saint Martin and Saint Barthelemy to become independent together with Guadeloupe in a unique country. " Lacking a common ancestry, we have never been able to take our nationhood for granted. It means freedom, but to most nations it means more. The definition of independence is freedom from the control or influence of others. I know, because I lived there during that time. How to use independent in a sentence. Countries can also get their independence peacefully, like Canada and Norway did. Synonym Discussion of independent. History, 21.06.2019 18:50, elisdavis. With independence comes responsibility. This little known plugin reveals the answer. the state or quality of being independent. This is especially shocking when we consider that, according to a 1911 census, the country’s approximate overall population at the time was a mere 3.14 million people. To celebrate their independence, people from Ghana hold parades, firework events and street parties and jams. How to use independent in a sentence. The newest country to get its independence was South Sudan. We are a very unusual country, and were unusual even at the time of independence. Cambridge Dictionary +Plus Define independence. Independence, with regards to a country, means that generally at some point, people decided they were not free. Twitter permanently suspends Trump's account. From Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia,, Creative Commons Attribution/Share-Alike License. Sometimes countries get their independence in a war, as when the United States left the British Empire in the American War of Independence. It is also our duty to do it, if we want to establish trade and a sound economy. However, the debate on the independence of the Movement is broader than the question of the relationship between public authorities and a National Society, although that last aspect is a very important one. According to Collins Dictionary someone’s independence is the fact that they do not rely on other people. What does Independence mean? In 1938, it became a paid national holiday across the whole country. After freedom, however, comes responsibility. The following list includes current observer and member states of the United Nations that have public holidays dedicated to the establishment of the country's independence or sovereignty from a foreign power. It can be comprised of many other states that rule under the same independent leanings of the overruling country. The main character, Howard Roark, embodies complete independence, even when it forces him into extreme … Some are ready for it; others aren’t. Top Stories. Votes: 1. I remember watching the movie “Bicentennial Man.” There’s a point in the film where the android wants to be “free.” He’s a sentient robot, and understands freedom over time from reading books. To understand the importance of the word independence, it is necessary to have a clear understanding of the word colonization. The freedom they have now did not always exist. After Indonesia got rid of the Soeharto regime for example, people were happy – for a moment. The word country can be used to mean the same thing as state, sovereign state, or nation-state. 15th August is observed as a national holiday throughout the country. Between 1808 and 1826 all of Latin America except the Spanish colonies of Cuba and Puerto Rico slipped out of the hands of the Iberian powers who had ruled the region since the conquest. Meaning of Independence. The autonomous Dominion of Canada, a confederation of Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, and the future provinces of Ontario and Quebec, is … And these brutal acts, especially against Native Americans, continued long after America became independent. Answers: 1 Get. A city of western Missouri, a suburb of Kansas City. The Continental Congress declared that the thirteen American colonies were no longer subject (and subordinate) to the monarch of Britain, King George III, and were now united, free, and independent states. Sometimes countries get their independence in a war, as when the United States left the British Empire in the American War of Independence. It can also be used in a less political manner to refer to a region or cultural area that has no governmental status. The list does not include days commemorating regime changes (e.g. In most countries, independence is marked by an annual holiday. 2 the time when a country becomes politically independent The … Why is Pennsylvania Called the Keystone State? The first of these ideas is that all men are born equally with the same rights OF life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. (ɪndɪpendəns) 1. uncountable noun If a country has or gains independence, it has its own government and is not ruled by any other country. Like many other countries, Haiti celebrates their independence from the French with parades and fireworks, but they also have a tradition involving food. The accusations against the King demonstrate how these fundamental ideas were being disregarded and the conclusion further reiterates the reasons for independence. It doesn't guarantee the integrity and independence of your country for eternity. Countries can also get their independence peacefully, like Canada and Norway did. An independent country is a self-governing and self-determining autonomous state. The US Declaration of Independence is the historical document that announced the separation of the US colonies and Great Britain. Being independent is to be free; to be able to make choices without the intervention of any person, organization or government. It has the right to develop its own system of government and to see its own people as the heads of that government. I try not to forget why we're celebrating though. noun Also independency. Amazon Doesn't Want You to Know About This Plugin. This page was last changed on 18 August 2017, at 12:14. How to use independence in a sentence. This is the vision that I am working on and I will continue to work in the future. Ayn Rand wrote about them (although she wasn’t the first) in The Fountainhead. Sovereignty. Not every nation in this world is independent and not everyone enjoys the same freedoms we do here in the US. This amounts in practice to declare independence. I think it’s a lesson people learn over time, however. For places, it may mean sovereignty or autonomy. THE SNP has sparked another furious reaction after claiming a second Scottish independence referendum is a 'critical response to Covid' - despite the country desperately battling to … A country gets its independence when it is no longer part of another country. The fledgling country had been fighting for independence since the 1960s, and held a referendum in January 2011. Help from another country may be needed to get independence, like in World War II, when the allies freed many countries that had been controlled by the Axis powers and, temporarily, vice versa. Revolutions are all about obtaining independence, most famously perhaps the Revolutionary War in America, which led to America's freedom from Britain. The movement spanned a total of 90 years (1857–1947).. That type of thing happens all over the globe in countries that are finally free after years of oppression. in‧de‧pen‧dence /ˌɪndəˈpendəns/ ●●● W2 noun [ uncountable] 1 political freedom from control by the government of another country independence from Nigeria gained independence from Britain in 1960. check all that apply. We've come far but I think as a nation we do still have a lot to learn. Countries can also get their independence peacefully, like Canada and Norway did. Colonization is a system that generally allowed one population to benefit from the often unjust treatment of another population. Colonization often involved unjust and shameful acts. The idea arose because they wanted to be released from the grasp of colonization, but this system of control tended to be a benefit to those with power. @Mammmood – Yes, I know what you mean. October 1, 1994: Palau was part of the Trust Territory of Pacific Islands (administered by the United … Which Countries Celebrate Independence Day. History of Latin America - History of Latin America - The independence of Latin America: After three centuries of colonial rule, independence came rather suddenly to most of Spanish and Portuguese America. winning independence from a governing country unseating a current leader and naming a new one stopping rebel forces from starting a conflict electing new leaders through a democratic process changing the traditional methods of government . 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