Breeders. Your Account. Semen and embryo shipping information. Embryos: 10 at $500 each. Contact us for more details. beast of a bull and high selling Akaushi bull of the 2017 'Steaks are High' Texas Wagyu Sale. The embryos are taken from healthy heifers and stored using tried-and-tested technologies. Plum Creek Wagyu Genetics He marries the powerful structure of his father, Heartbrand Big Al, with the unsurpassed length and composition of the JVP Ms Homare J30E maternal line which yielded a bull that surpasses his father in size. We plan to have available Polled Wagyu breeding bulls by 2019-2020. Sexed Embryos. We prefer to speak with potential buyers first, go though the criteria that they are seeking when looking for embryos, and then produce the … Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku L195. 624S sired by Fukutsuru 068 the #1 marbling sire in the USA mated with new world class bull 151 Ichiro , son of very rare 151 Itozurudoi by Suzutani’s Takazakura daughter. No products in the cart. Foundation Sires Data. However, if you have questions or feel a correction is warranted, please contact us. Donor: Bobo Isabel 1558 Producing carcasses of the highest quality, characterized by an abundance of very fine marbling, extremely soft fat with a low temperature melting point. Our ranch is located in Central Texas and we are dedicated to producing high quality Wagyu cattle including primarily Black Wagyu heifers, bulls, semen, and embryos. Black Wagyu Embryos For Sale . We offer A-Grade wagyu embryos from quality donors and sires. We have full blood Wagyu cows, heifers and bulls for sale. Embryos For Sale. Donor: GAR Predestined 2538 2 embryos by GAR Sunrise – $200.00 ea. Unfortunately, we can’t keep everything due to space limitations. Current Fullblood Wagyu Cows and Heifers for sale are listed below. Full Blood Wagyu Embryos For Sale. Highland Wagyu is a pedigree beef company, breeding premium Japanese Wagyu, Aberdeen Angus, Beef Shorthorn, Highland and Dexter cattle with a mission to produce the best beef in the world from our 25,000-acre estate farm in Perthshire, Scotland. Trent Bridge N346. Wagyu Exchange - Wagyu for Sale or Trade - Embryos. 15,000$ FULL BLOOD JAPANESE BLACK WAGYU EMBRYO PACKAGE DEAL FOR SALE !! His pedigree is provided below. This is where you can choose your embryo based on its genetics and the cow that will carry it. 15-embryos . Wagyu Embryos For Sale. Shipping of embryos and semen is the responsibility of the purchaser. Note ¹: Columbia and Uruguay Note ²: Argentina, Brazil and Chile Note ³: Mexico Note 4: Latin America excluding Uruguay SIRE: FC NOCHE 26 (FB11093) SIRE: FC NOCHE (FB8025) DAM: CHR MS TAK 109M (FB5334) SCD: AA; TENDERNESS: 5; … the generic name for Japanese cattle. Grade 1 Embryos available starting at $500 and up. Grade 1 Embryos available starting at $500 and up, Graded Embryos available for export $600+, Fullbloof Heifers starting at $5,000 and up, Bred Fullblood Cows starting at $4,500 and up, Please contact us for current embryo inventory via email link or phone. Embryos Available Sired By: Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F154. He combines the strong bloodlines of Suzutani, Itozuru Doi TF151, and Kikutsuru Doi TF146. We are members of the American Wagyu Association. Wagyu – the breed that made Kobe Beef famous – refers to all Japanese beef cattle, where “Wa” means Japanese and “gyu” means cow. Macquarie Prelude. 04D’s dam was a combination of SUMO CATTLE CO SEISAKUSHU C221 and the 803 cow. Visit our online store to place your order for Wagyu Embryo in NZ. Also in this Sale 10 Straws of Genjiro sold for $1,500/ Straw to HP Wagyu. However, we are offering embryos for sale, too. Please inquire by sending us an email. We also have rare Wagyu embryos and Wagyu bull semen for sale and Export. We have 100% pure Wagyu Embryo’s for sale as well. Polled Wagyu are producing Wagyu cattle from proven genetics, with the added benefit of no horns. Goorambat Wagyu has a number of embryos for sale, each eligible for export to many countries throughout the world. In the 2020 Elite Wagyu Sale records were smashed again by Vendor Wagyu Sekai. Zaloguj się. Many of these embryos are for Z6 Cattle to expand its herd. Rowe Wagyu Genetics ... SOR Big Al is a very long bodied Akaushi bull and was the high selling bull at the 2017 TexasWagyu sale. Bred Fullblood Cows starting at $4,500 and up. I have a limited amount of wagyu beef for sale that is coming in next week. Lolo Trail Ranch offers services for all cow-bovine genetics embryo transfer facility located in NW Montana. Our embryos are designed with the discerning cattleman in mind who wants to develop the best possible cow herd. I am selling this beef fresh, and has never been frozen. inventory subject to change. For Sale. Start here. Feel free to contact us about availability. However, we are offering embryos for sale, too. Many of these embryos are for Z6 Cattle to expand its herd. We have a recipient package as well. Please get in touch with us today for more information about our rates. Pinkerton Wagyu, LLC - Fullblood Wagyu Bulls Heifers Embryos For Sale in Alabama. All our semen inventory is collected and stored at Hawkeye Breeders in Adel Iowa. Fullblood registered Bulls $4,000 and up. (406) 273-9139 . Please contact us for current embryo inventory via email link or phone. We will then provide an embryologist to implant the cow at the appropriate time. Reserve Cattle Company Wagyu has full blood Wagyu cattle for sale, Wagyu bulls, Wagyu semen and Wagyu embryos, as well as Kobe beef cows, Japanese Wagyu cattle, Japanese cattle, and American Wagyu. Wagyu Breeders Handbook. We maintain an embryo inventory both on the farm as well as at Trans Ova. We are non-broker which saves you money without compromise to premium Wagyu semen quality. Ginjo Marblemax Hiranami B901. Okutani embryos from WSI Tai Ms Ito (TF 151 +$200 SRI Okutani donor) sired by Kanadagene sold for $23,000 per embryo for four embryos to buyer Mayura Station. At Bar V Wagyu in Abilene, KS, we offer embryos from top donor cows, ensuring healthy calves for livestock producers. Genetic quality – Our purebred polled Wagyu are bred for carcass performance. The resulting calf will be a double cross of Itozuru Doi TF151 x Kenhanafuji x Sanjirou. Embryos, Semen . Sign up with your email address to receive news and updates. We offer Wagyu Bull Semen and Wagyu Embryos for sale below. Currently exposed to Z6C-E4, a VA, 10 bull that is recessive free and sired by Fukutsuru 068. We have domestic semen available by the following bulls: Please visit our Z6 Wagyu Semen page for more information on these bulls. ATTENTION: We have made every effort to be accurate. E10 is a 2.5 year old bull ready to start breeding. Advertise with Us! Phone 515-993-4711 Z6 Cattle has limited quantities of semen available. . Sign in New customer! TF 148 Itoshigenami. Give us a call if you have any questions. Sumo Cattle Co Michifuku F126. Fullblood Registered Black Wagyu Bulls, Heifers, Embryos and Semen. – $15,000. World K's Shigeshigetani. Amazing size and fineness of marbling built in this pedigree. Fullbloof Heifers starting at $5,000 and up. Top Wagyu … Buy, Sell, and Trade Everything Wagyu. AWA and TWA Click image to enlarge. Donor: KLR Blackcap 1559 2 embryos by Basin Payweight 1682 – $200.00 ea. Wagyu Embryos For Sale. Red Wagyu Semen: See our Wagyu semen page. All embryos are produced and stored at Hoofstock Genetics in Ranger, TX. Embryos, Semen Rowe Wagyu Genetics We sell Cattle, Seed Stock. According to David Blackmore, renowned Australian Wagyu producer, Itoshigenami TF148 is considered to be one of the top three bulls exported from Japan. FULL BLOOD JAPANESE BLACK WAGYU EMBRYO PACKAGE DEAL FOR SALE !! USA Shipping Available! Contacts. Some countries require different veterinary tests. Miku Wagyu runs a full blood black Wagyu herd. Breeder's Guide. Miku Wagyu offers premium wagyu genetics with authentic Japanese origins. 15,000$ 5 embryo FB18804 MS KAGE 1304A HIRASHIGETAYSAU/SUZUTANI X FB1615 WKS... View Details. Z6 Cattle is actively producing IVF (both non-sexed and female sexed) embryos during the spring and summer of 2020. Graded Embryos available for export $600+. 151 Ichiro semen has topped $300.00 per straw in public sale. We usually have domestic as well as exportable embryos in inventory. Feel free to contact us about availability. Embryos Please contact us on 076 426 1735 or for any enquiries on the embryos for sale. Semen & Embryos for Sale Semen available for sale from Kevinhanafuji, Shidoosha, Kitaguni Jr., Shigeshigetani 510, BSW Okuduji 9, Kimifuku 117, Hirashige 170P and Hanshoku 9066. We also offer Wagyu bulls, cow and cattle. Longford F E0241. 100% Fullblood Wagyu Beef Gift Boxes. Wagyu Embryo For Sale in Ohio. LTR has fullblood wagyu semen and wagyu embryos for sale. All rights reserved © Kentucky Stud Wagyu 2020, Kentucky Stud Wagyu, 4063 Dry Creek Road, Elk Horn, KY, 42733, United States. She is line bred Michifuku with consistent marbling, fineness of marbling, and large ribeye area. Wagyu for Sale or Trade. World K's Michifuku. Homozygous and Hetrozygous Polled Wagyu cattle ! Rockin 2 Ranch will has available Polled Wagyu semen and can provide polled Wagyu embryos in the near future. Z6 Cattle currently has Z6C-E10 available. Z6 Cattle is actively producing IVF (both non-sexed and female sexed) embryos during the spring and summer of 2020. Scroll down to order and CLICK HERE to jump down to Embryos. Trent Bridge M100. These are stellar females. The sire of these female sexed embryos is none other that SOR Big Al who is our 2100 lbs. Red and Black Wagyu Embryos for Sale Embryo transfers can be a cost effective method of developing a full blood Wagyu herd and one that allows the buyer to select from a wide range of genetics. Z6C-G2’s dam is one of our good flushing cows – averaging 14 grade 1 embryos per flush. Enter Site. We have both sexed and unsexed Wagyu embryos for sale. Red Wagyu (Akaushi) cattle, embryos, and semen currently for sale: I bought JC Okaminami 227 from you in early '17 to use as a terminal sire for my Longhorn grass-finished beef program. When we talk about polled genetics, there are basis concepts that should be understood. – $3,750. ... Cattle & embryos for sale. Witaj! MS FUKUTSURU 624S by 151 ICHIRO. We are happy to help! If you are interested in any other females in our herd, please contact Z6 Cattle for availability and pricing. Enjoy our video. All dams and sires are DNA tested free of all recessive genes. Our wagyu genetics include black wagyu embryos and (Akaushi) red wagyu embryos as well as wagyu cattle and wagyu semen. This means that all our animals are genetically verified and traced back to the original Wagyu cattle from Japan. – Z6C E12 – Ms Nanashifuji (FB30312) heifer, mating is Kenhanafuji x Nanashi. $600. – Z6C G1 – Ms Michifuku (FB# 42593) heifer calf, Z6C-G1 is a double bred Fujiko and 068 heifer. Her dam brings Itomoritaka to the breeding for added size and milking and her sire introduces Hirashigetayasu to increase size and maintain marbling and ribeye size. For sale both Fullblood Black and Red Wagyu Embryos and Semen See more details on our Donors and Sires Kuro Wagyu Donors and Sires here Aka Wagyu Donors and Please find our Wagyu semen stock list below. Wagyu Exchange. Below are links to what we currently have for sale