Instructional materials: According to Ololobou, the teachers must consider before selecting instructio, into consideration the age and abilities of his st, not geared towards helping in the achievement of, Almost 60% of Nigerian school classroom are ov, teacher due to non-availability of instructional, are noticed to be irrelevant and out dated (Alege, 1995, most state have classrooms with not enough space, The purpose of this study was to find out the utilizat. Survey research design was used to carryout the study. instructional materials in both government and private owned schools. 1. Cronbach Alpha statistic was used to test the reliability of the instrument. Those that adopted the utilisation, did not use them appropriately. A questionnaire constructed by the researcher and re-structured by two experts was used for data collection. Dahan, M.A. Teaching materials can refer to a number of teacher resources; however, the term usually refers to concrete examples, such as worksheets or manipulatives. The study employed a survey research design. Instructional Materials, also known as Teaching/Learning Materials (TLM), are any collection of materials including animate and inanimate objects and human and non-human resources that a teacher may use in teaching and learning situations to help achieve desired learning objectives. Effects of the Availability and Use of Instructional Materials on Academic Performance of Students in Punjab (Pavaratan) in. Dahan, M.A. 245–249. the students in the third world countries. Instructional videos plays an important role in pedagogy. ; Pearson Education Inc.: Columbus, OH, -test analysis of male and female students’ responses towards the utilization of, xtbooks, blackboards, tape recordings and, materials in both categories of schools; despite. The study was anchored on the Theory of Instruction and adopted the descriptive research design. as science and technology, among others Idris, 2008. growth and development for every Nigerian ch, psychological and condition of health. 286-299. Join ResearchGate to find the people and research you need to help your work. Teachers' Perception of the Effects and Use of Learning Materials: Unpublished Teaching Materials. It helps to raise learning from verbalization to practical aspect of teaching and learning. INTRODUCTION One important dimension in teacher education that is getting a lot of attention is related to the use of instructional materials. It helps to raise learning from verbalization to practical aspect of teaching and learning. Procedures for the study, which used an ecological approach, are next described; they included participant observation, student teacher interviews, and lesson plan log book entries. udents’ questionnaire was used for data collection, well-structured instrument by experts tagged, by the researcher with the assistance of the, nistered questionnaire forms were retrieved and. Data was analyzed and presented using mean statistic and standard deviation. Esu, Enukoha and Umoren (2004) affirmed that instructional materials … For instance, the year … Effects of the Availability and Use of Instructional Materials on Academic Performance of Teaching and learning materials are devices and aids through which learning and teaching are done in schools. USA, 2002; pp. Among other recommendations, the government should endeavour to release enough funds. Survey research method was used and the study sampled the total number of 100 respondents in five selected secondary schools. The respondents were measured with Economics Performance Test of 21 items with 0.89 internal consistency obtained from test-retest method of reliability. Human Resources and Use of Materials in Classroom Situations; University of Ilorin: Ilorin, Nigeria, Based on this finding, the study recommends that the government of Kenya through the Ministry of Education Science and Technology should improve the availability of teaching and learning resources in public primary schools in order to promote optimal development of pupils. Baribor (2003) noted that the use of instructional materials is to aid the teacher in his Kay (1971), instructional materials are things which are intended to help the teacher to teach more effectively, or better skill which enable the pupils to learn moral readily. Following a description of the problem and methodology, a literature review section discusses theoretical background, prescriptive and descriptive research viewpoints, previous approaches to research, findings of previous studies, ethnography, teacher planning practices, and an area of concern generated from the literature. ... Additional types of learning materials include writing equipment like rubbers, pens, crayon, exercise book, chalk, notebook, drawing book, ruler, pencil, work book, slates and paper supplies and so on (Blazar & Kraft, 2017). Effects of Teaching and Learning Resources in Lower Primary School Children in the Eastern Zone of Nakuru Municipality, Kenya, Influence of teaching and learning materials availability on the development of pupils in upper primary schools in Karunga Zone, Gilgil Sub County, Effect of Improvised and Standard Instructional Materials on Secondary School Students’ Academic Performance in Physics in Ilorin, Nigeria, Student Teacher Utilization of Instructional Media. Nigeria, 1995. Key Words: Availability; Utilization; Instructional Materials; Andragogical setting; Improvisation. Available online: of+education+service. The indication for this was that, both male and females students’ respondent differed in their, responses towards the availability of instructiona, utilization of instructional materials in bo, hypothesis 2 is rejected. Conference STAN, Nigeria, 1999; pp. showing distribution of respondents by school and sex. Available online: Instructional materials make teaching and learning interesting, easy and amusing. Instructional materials are essential for enhancing teaching and learning because they provide means of widening students’ learning experience, expose … Medayese, F.J. ng all adequately utilized as responded to by the respondents; ed to put the few available materials into good, showing the rate of utilization of available instructional, There is no significant difference in the, l materials in government owned schools and the, -test analysis of responses towards the availability of instructiona, There is no significant difference between the males and females student in the, -value of 2.36 is greater than the critical. (accessed on 13 April 1999). According to Joseph (2001) 52% of schools in, Are there adequate instructional material, There is no significant difference between the st, udents in government owned schools and those, There is no significant difference between the responses of students in government owned. 1. S.A. Onasanya and E.O. Available online: The entire one hundred (100) admi, demographical data. More so, overhead projectors and televisions are, respondents in the two schools disagreed to their avai, materials available for use in their schools as seen in, The data reported in the Table 4 showed that, as responded to by the respondents. The center of attention of this paper is the improvisation and utilization of instructional materials by the student teachers to enhance learning efficiency. Using data collected from 4,042 lessons taught by 19 student teachers, this report examines the extent and purpose of media utilization by student teachers who were completing field experience requirements for teacher certification in 15 Saskatchewan schools during the fall semester of 1981. Production, Utilization and Students Perception of Media Resource-A Case Study of Kwara State © 2008-2021 ResearchGate GmbH. It was al, showing the mean scores and standard deviatio, n of available instructional materials in. availability of instructional materials in their, categories of schools to utilization of inst, The counsellors could assist the teachers through programmes like; seminars, workshops and, sensitization talks on the importance of instruct, Such programmes could assist the teachers on ho, utilized in class room activities. The lists of instructional materials are inexhaustible in line with the teacher’s level of creativity and resourcefulness. This shows that the improvised instructional materials in the comparison of the male mean scores of experimental and control groups were the same entry level with regard to academic ability (t = 1.23, df = 7, p = 0.05). regarding teaching learning process completely. Instructional material is an aid to teaching and learning. %���� It could be seen in the table that, textbooks and blackboards were agreed to in the two, categories of school as available with hig, 2. Nsukka postgraduate program is not yet advanced enough to use vodcast and podcast technologies for teaching students (=2.88). Instructional materials makes teaching and learning interesting, easy and amusing. 7�a$C|��a�w��ʛ���S\��p�y1J������s�2�P�ĀӴ���^JD������p��x��u���K��|V��!WY�ߦ��zd�� ��Fs�U$HFJsi�[d��'٤�4�$�A6�߲�-*'ZC`@ѓ,���nGnC�Q!�J�u�Ih8��!�=�L�s&�ܗ]�n~.vM�B�����m�U|�����f��a�C�ud��m���r�QB�`��jU���U�e�i*����Y�Uxnw�e����W�� ev����k�R%K�m�������+�L�QRs����/7��S���6:����i��d>w��+��O����Lf��a�s2�����I�f?���4@�-� ��C� urage the use of instructional materials by every, Teachers’ Perception of the Effects and Use of Le, arning Materials: Unpublished Teaching Materials, Production, Utilization and Students Perc. Hypothesis for the study was analyzed using t-test with a p≤0.05 level of, This study examined an experimental investigation of guided-discovery teaching method and instructional materials utilization on Economics performance of secondary school students in Oyo State, Nigeria. instructional materials utilization for effective teaching. The population o the study comprises all the primary four teachers in primary schools who are currently teaching Basic … It is a device, view on the board. According to Faize and Dahan [1] as cited in Bukoye. normal teaching-learning processes; for example in seminars, workshops, among others. Appendices include a list of the Canadian School Library Association recommended media standards for library demonstration schools, which was used as a survey instrument; a sample of the structured log book record; and interview questions. 3. and high standard deviation as seen in items 1 and, nal materials in both categories of school. Pretest-posttest, control group quasi-experimental design with a 2x2 factorial matrix was used in the study. © 2018 by the authors. Forty-three figures are included. No wonder the high rate of, the findings, the professional counsellor, utilisation; instructional; materials; effective; acad, osperity, and development moral built up, and. In view of these findings, the study recommended that teachers and other stakeholders should be trained on how to improve on the instructional materials utilisation and guided-discovery teaching Volume 3, Issue 1, 2018 176 method and that curriculum planner should include effective teaching strategies/methods into teacher training institutions/programmes. Hassan, T. Understanding Research in Education; Merrifield Publishing Company Education Ltd.: Lagos, competent teacher is flexible in the utilization of instructional materials, methods, strategies, styles and delivery. THE IMPORTANCE OF INSTRUCTIONAL MATERIALSWell, we all know that Teachers at all levels utilize a variety of instructional materials such as textbooks, presentations and handouts to enhance the quality of their lessons. A, UIMTFEAPQ designed by the researcher was used for data collection; this instrument has two, The reliability of the instrument was confirmed through split- h, administered on 20 respondents. (ICETIC2018), Badajoz, Spain, 20–22 June 2018. academic performance of students. The findings revealed inadequate use of instructional materials in most schools and majority of the teachers did not take cognisance of the importance derived from the use of instructional materials while teaching. It can be used to encourage, that projects the small transparencies into large, written or drawn on the transparencies. Ninety staff of the local government were the subjects of the study. Background and the Problem Learning in all ages is considered fundamental human rights as it represents a basic human need. showing the rate of utilization of available instructional materials in both government and private owned school. Nkuuhe (1995) holds the view that instructional media are all devices and materials used in the teaching and learning process. This paper examines the availability, adequacy and utilization of instructional materials/equipment in home economics instruction in the Junior Secondary Schools in Owerri Zone. Essentially, instructional videos for teaching and learning workshop safety precautions becomes a tool for sustaining safety at work. Teaching materials can refer to a number of teacher resources; however, the term usually refers to concrete examples, such as worksheets or manipulatives (learning tools or games that students can handle to help them gain and practice facility with new knowledge -- e.g. It makes learning more effective (Clark, 1997). Students learn more when they see what they are being taught. academic performance in physics in Ilorin, Nigeria. According to Nyame-Kwarteng (2006), instructional media are the various materials that appeal to the five senses- seeing, hearing, touching, feeling and tasting which enhance teaching and learning. The hypothesis, the respondents differed in their responses toward, schools vividly confirmed the utilization of these, terials in their academic performance, which wa, t judiciously utilized; this rightly prevent the, Both the students in government and private, owned schools deferred in their responses to, Also insignificant difference was observed betw, een the male and female students in the two. importance of instructional materials in any teaching/learning process cannot be over emphasized. <>stream Licensee MDPI, Basel, Sw, article distributed under the terms and condit, ... Children are especially vulnerable to stress and emotional overload, making it more difficult for them to function especially in a classroom setting that does not take cognizance of the theories of learning. The study investigated the utilization of instructional materials as tools for effective academic performance of students. 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