9. Corn Pops tastes good, isn’t cloying, and has a nice, satisfying crunch. Golden Nuggets is kind of like Corn Pops and Captain Crunch... 2. Credit: Wikimedia Commons/ Kellogg's. At least it gave us this. Also gets better the more you eat it. We've already laid out the worst cereals of all time, and recommended that you not stuff any of that garbage in your face -- especially not first thing in the morning.Today, I'm tackling the best cereals, in order. Rumor has it that the modern iteration of this cereal has. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 2. This might sound shocking for a cereal that is made with chocolate and marshmallows, but it’s not terribly unhealthy for you. There are plenty of high-fiber, low-sugar options out there, and some of them are actually pretty tasty. A great tasting cereal with a nice, crunchy texture that holds up, and the milk that is leftover is awesome. Just comes down to texture for why it foes higher than Honey Smacks, but otherwise these are the same cereals. The top 10 cereal brands. Definitely the best of the seasonal Halloween Monster cereals. +33 5 34 50 47 36 | Monday-Friday: 10AM-3PM +33 5 34 50 47 36 | M-F: 10AM-3PM B2B Better than the peanut butter kind, but not as good as the original. Featured Image: Kellogg’s, Post Consumer Brands, Alpha will be closing on March 31. The top cereal combined with some milk is the perfect choice to start your day, so use this list of the best breakfast cereals to get out of your breakfast rut and try something new! Not to exaggerate, but if you’ve never tried it you’ve wasted your life. The best “adult” cereal in the world. None of the other flavors they sell even come close. Obviously. Honey Bunches of Oats packs 10 grams of whole grains per serving, as well as nine essential vitamins and minerals. Too low? This best-selling breakfast cereals company has more than 500 professionals working to make and sell the best breakfast cereals for diabetics. Cereal blockbusters: America's top 10 best-selling brands. When I was a kid I used to think to myself, "When I'm a grown up, I'm going to eat Cinnamon Toast Crunch whenever I want to, since my mom won't let me eat it for breakfast." Not exciting, but sometimes really satisfying. 10) Golden Crisp. Top 10 Must-Visit Natural Wonders January 12, 2021 Space Top 10 Giant Facts About the Dwarf Planets January 11, 2021 History Top 10 Reasons The Dark Ages Were Darker Than You Think January 11, 2021 Music Top 10 Songs That Evoke Powerful Emotions January 8, 2021 History Top 10 Law Enforcement Agencies Of The Ancient World January 8, 2021 Technology 10. A bowl of cereal that is literally a bunch of cookies dunked in milk should be amazing, but these are basically flat rocks. For anyone who hasn’t had the pleasure of consuming Quisp, we’d describe it as Cap’n Crunch, but without tearing up the top of your mouth. Golden Nuggets Breakfast Cereal From The United Kingdom. We would prefer nothing to this cereal, which is most famous for a series of not-that-clever commercials. Fruit Loops 8. All it takes to jump over 30 spots is to add some dried sweet strawberries, which totally transforms the entire flavor. If you know your stuff, you’ll know that breakfast shouldn’t be skipped and is often said to be your ‘most important meal of the day‘. When I think of breakfast cereal, this is what I think of. Just to be clear: none of the cereals below are bad or "worst." Raisins are basically spoiled wine turned into an edible rock. The berries are a little too sweet in a cereal that is perfectly sweetened to start. Apparently to be a champion your breakfast has to taste like rough cardboard. Quaker Quisp. Might rank higher if a better brand didn’t exist. IRI, a Chicago … But there’s a reason it went away in the first place–it’s an inferior version of one of the greatest cereals ever. (Don’t freak out Monster Cereals fans, one of them made the top 5.). Lucky Charms is tricky because it's one half best cereal of all time, and one half worst. Fancy Wheaties but still blah. Life is pretty good, much better than actual life. Cocoa Pebbles Release Date: 1965. Cheerios 2. When you want Raisin Bran, there is no other cereal that will satisfy you. What product criteria are often mentioned in Top 10 Cereals In America? A classic but a goodie. Lots of cereal variations are better than the original, but this is a case of reverse engineering falling short. What it is though is one of the best cereals out there, with a great mix of different flavors and textures. Click Here For The America’s 10 Most Sugary Cereals Slideshow. Guess what thing we all did? Fruity Pebbles GUESS WHICH SIDE IS WHICH. These are 10 of the healthiest cereals on the market. Chex are a better snack, but we’re ranking cereals here. You have to speed eat it or you end up with a bowl of mush. Follow us on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest and Tumblr. All rights reserved. Like Boo Berry, but with a slightly less disgusting–yet still totally unappetizing–strawberry flavor. Recipes and more delivered to your inbox. Unsurprisingly, General Mill’s famous marshmallow-filled cereal makes the list of the worst cereals. What was the original sales pitch for this? Trix is for kids because they are probably too sweet to justify eating them frequently as an adult, which knocks it down. Silly rabbit, Trix are for kids with low standards. “Here’s some unsweetened wheat to eat, and it’s shredded so it will feel like chewing on hard grass.”. They are all breakfasts I'd happily engage in on a regular basis. Peanut butter makes for a great cereal flavor, but this version of the classic cereal is just a little too peanut-buttery, which sounds crazy but this is a cereal that needs a better balance. Raisins. Therefore, in Top 10 Cereals In America, we normally give detailed comments on product quality while suggesting to customers the products that are most suitable for them in price. We all know we only eat Lucky Charms for those puffy pillows of goodness, and that ' s just not enough to classify it as an objectively good cereal. 50% of it is awesome, 50% of it tastes like cardboard. It’s like they looked at Nut & Honey and said, “What if we used those flavors to make a cereal that isn’t terrible?”. There’s really no reason to ever buy regular Cheerios when these are on the shelf. Power lunch… The High Priest from Burger’s Priest. A bit more old school than some of the other offerings on the list, the Quaker Oats made cereal recently made its triumphant return to grocery stores in 2012. Frosted Flakes Until they get soggy that is, and then they are gross. There should be a statue at the United Nations to the man or woman who looked at unsweetened breakfast... 4. Valdez’s short list includes Special K Protein Cereal, featuring 10 grams of protein per 3/4 cup serving, relatively low sugar (7 grams) and adequate fiber (3 grams). Lucky Charms is quite the conundrum. The 10 Best Rice Cereals 19,927 reviews scanned The 10 Best Bran Cereals He is constantly fending off attacks, cool-as-you-please, on his Golden Crisp cereal… You really can't go wrong. However it isn’t nearly as special as you remember. The best “grown-up” cereal that still tastes good, but the regular kind isn’t great, just decent. In honor of on March 7 being National Cereal Day, we put together the top best sellers, according to Chicago-based market research firm Information Resources, Inc. Is … The only real complaint with Cocoa Puffs is you have to give them a chance to slightly soften up in the milk, but once they do this is a fantastic cereal. The box makes it look healthy, but it is not. If you have never eaten Quisp, you need to get on it. Delicious, satisfying crunch, and they hold for the entire bowl. Strawberry Pops are a Kelloggs cereal that are only available in South... 3. But even if you gained five pounds for every bowl you ate it would be worth it. So to celebrate our favorite breakfast food that we also frequently eat for lunch, dinner, and at three a.m., we’re ranking the top 50 kinds. Kashi 7 Whole Grain Flakes Cereal is also on the list, with 6 grams of protein per 1-cup … Yesterday’s power ensemble… Hydra cufflinks, a 12 year old Glenmorangie, and dog-riding-bicycle socks. Enjoy your breakfast American-style! Get any of the iconic and Retro American Cereals today. How can they stuff so much magic inside those tiny Os? Also, if you don't see a cereal on this list or on the worst list, that means that it is a middling, forgettable cereal, regardless of its marketing prowess or ubiquity -- I'm looking at you, Cheerios. 21-Jul-2013 - Last updated on 23-Jul-2013 at 08:55 GMT . Here they are: 1. 10. Ditto that last thing, but plus cinnamon. Frosted Flakes 4. No other cereal sings to us. They are dramatically better than regular Kix, and for reasons I don’t understand they also don’t go stale as quickly. This top 10 breakfast cereal company is a 100% non-GMO verified healthy cereal brands and has an annual revenue of more than $80 million and a net profit of around $28 million in 2017. To vote for your favorites, visit any individual cereal page on the site and click the vote button. 10 Best Healthy Cereals to Enjoy for Breakfast, According to Dietitians These low-sugar cereals are high in fiber and pack some protein. So we can’t imagine anyone will have any problems with it. Would rank a lot higher if they didn’t become absolutely vile the second you finished all the marshmallows. Cheerios get the job done, so long as the job is to have an average bowl of cereal. This is a total Chex rip-off, but somehow they did it better. No, I can’t? That doesn’t mean this list isn’t definitive though, because we used, like, super serious science/decades of eating it to put it together. This list represents the top 100 most popular breakfast cereals of all time as voted by visitors to The Cereal Project at MrBreakfast.com. Honey Nut Cheerios 3. Frosted Mini Wheats 9. Honey Bunches Of Oats 5. A bowl of these little fake maple bombs probably contains more sugar than a bowl of ice cream. A perfect balance of peanut butter, so it tastes great without being too sweet. Frosted Flakes 1, while it’s not my favorite cereal brand, it is very popular. Who was sitting around saying, “You know I like waffles, but what if we made them hard as a rock, then served them in milk where they immediately got soggy?”. One vote per cereal per day. ©2021 Verizon Media. Yes, that seems an appropriate place to start this weeks blog, as we round up our Top 5 American Cereals. One of the best variations ever made. Questionable apostrophe usage aside, this is one of the most delicious cereals of all time. It has its fans who got General Mills to bring it back in the U.S. a few years ago. Corn Flakes are totally fine if they are all you have, but they are basically the foundation of a house without any part of the house installed yet. It might seem sacrilegious to have this out of the top 10, but Cap’n Crunch has a major, major problem: it gets soggy right away. Granted, many of us aren’t completely puritanical, but the over-the-top sweetness of some of the cereals on the market just might surprise you. Honey Nut Cheerios; Frosted Flakes; Raisin Bran; Cap’n Crunch; Cinnamon Toast Crunch; Frosted Mini-Wheats; Lucky Charms; Rice Krispies; Apple Jacks; Froot Loops; I’m not too surprised that Honey Nut Cheerios is No. The best Cheerios by far. By Mallory Creveling The single most underrated cereal finally gets its due. Pales in comparison to the line’s best version, and almonds are pretty blah so they don’t help the flavor profile. That’s just science. And you can’t argue with science. These are the weirdest shape and harken back to a time where eating a bowl full of corn for breakfast seemed like a great idea. 9. Still the best cereal to make a necklace out of, ever. If you’re a fan of cereal (who isn’t? Long live the cinnamon-flavored King, the most perfect cereal ever devised by men or gods. On the one hand, it doesn ' t get much better than the delicious Lucky Charms marshmallows, but, on the other hand, the rest of the cereal tastes like cardboard cut into weird shapes. The best recipes, kitchen tips and genius food facts. They are all breakfasts I'd happily engage in on a regular basis. Just to be clear: none of the cereals below are bad or "worst." If you are not a current Alpha, There Is Now a Pod Machine That Makes Ice Cream, Fancy ’90s Ice Cream Cake Viennetta Returning to Stores, Build Your Own Edible Chocolate Bonsai Tree, IKEA Releases Gingerbread Höme Instruction Kit, Fancy '90s Ice Cream Cake Viennetta Returning to Stores, This Is What a Record Made Out of Chocolate Sounds Like, DIE HARD's John McClane Becomes a Delicious Cake, Cinnabon Is Selling Pints of Frosting for First Time Ever, Ben & Jerry's Punch Line Ice Cream Comes with a Joke Hotline, Puking Kitty Gravy Boat Won't Pour a Hairball. Questions? Better as a dry snack. That is why they are the worst of the best. I will never understand what makes these weird little boxes of grains taste so delicious. You really need a foundation, but can’t live in it because that’s just a hole. Cheerios make a really good base for a good cereal, which is what this variation is. 27 Breakfast Cereals Ranked From Worst To Best. This list has absolutely nothing to do with health benefits -- there is a lot of sugar present. Maybe the favorite of kids everywhere, Lucky Charms is good because even the non-marshmallow bites still taste good. Because they are so small, Cocoa Pebbles can really fill your spoon, giving you a much more complete,... 3. Today, I'm tackling the best cereals, in order. Globally, the breakfast cereal industry is worth about $35 billion. Lucky Charms 7. Because they are so small, Cocoa Pebbles can really fill your spoon, giving you a much more complete, satisfying bite than most cereals. Happy National Cereal Day! Look, you can throw rocks at me about this if you want to, but I know there are other secret Grape-Nut lovers out there with me. An amazing cereal that isn’t terrible for you to eat. A nice balance of sweetness without feeling like too much of a kid’s cereal, and they sing to us. By 2025, it's expected to be worth more than $54 billion.However, despite the growing popularity, the cereals that have been around for decades are still the most popular. These are the Best American Cereals you can buy. Want to read more from HuffPost Taste? And you can trust me because my name is Mikey. Top 10 Breakfast Cereals America Wished They Had 1. Although this cereal has no trans fats or high fructose corn syrup, it should not be consumed on the regular. The honey-flavored oat clusters are some of the best bites of food you’ll find in any meal. These somehow managed to be a perennial favorite in my house, despite the fact that they weren't loaded with sugar. Kix suffers from a very strange problem: once you open the bag you need to eat the entire box in a week or they’ll get so stale you can chip a tooth on them. Made of pure blueberry concentrate and too much sugar for any human to safely consume, this is scarier than most horror films. When measured by weight, 41.4 percent of the cereal is sugar. Obviously I am aware of the fact that this is a disgusting choice. Not every cereal works with chocolate, but this is much better than the original. top ten breakfast cereals Cheerios — Introduced by General Mills on May 1, 1941 as the first oat-based, ready-to-eat cold serial; original name CheeriOats changed to Cheerios in 1946 due to a trademark dispute with Quaker Oats. 10. Can I interest you in some edible wood flavored with way too much honey? They hold perfectly in milk, taste awesome, and produces one of the best post-eating flavored milks to drink. Those marshmallows are ethereal, but could they possibly find a way to make the wheat shapes, These taste like eating a bowl of graham crackers in milk. Froot Loops kick off the list of top 10 most sugary cereals. Maybe, but cereal is meant to be eaten with milk, and Rice Chex taste better on their own. By Kacey Culliney. 100 All-Time Greatest Breakfast Cereals New! Can you guess which made the top 3?. Plus, they are basically the anti-Cocoa Puff, which earns them extra points in my book. I’ve been told these can be hard to find, but man they are worth the hunt. We’re sticking to the most famous ones–unless we feel like including a type we are fond of. I have not eaten this cereal in probably a decade, which is going to change asap. My first choice would be Frosted Flakes, I think it’s a timeless cereal, … There is something about the way the milk gets trapped inside each one that makes them stand out. But I ate the hell out of them when I was a teenager and I would probably still do it. Plus that is the best mascot for any product I can think of. Now available at Canada's Online Candy Store and we Ship across North America. In a survey, over one thousand Americans voted for their all-time favorite cereal brand. I’ll never get tired of this place. Best SEO Companies reached out recently with some fun facts. Almonds, granola clusters, and crispy flakes fill every delicious spoonful. As a vendor, we understand that besides quality, price is of utmost concern to consumers. Much better than you remember, and they hold up better in milk than Chex. BakeryandSnacks has spooned IRI data to compile a tasty list of the top 10 best-selling US ready-to-eat cereals. Co-Owner and Sandwich Pusher at Pop+Dutch. It’s also perfectly sweetened, makes it okay to eat chocolate for breakfast, and results in the absolute best leftover milk. This cereal has a little bit of everything. Around here, we like to say that classics are classics for a reason. They’re still tasty, but they have a really unusual texture, and it’s strange to eat them if you’re over the age of 12 or sober. At least they don’t the lie about champions eating it. But Raisin Bran is legit, whether you’re a kid or an adult. Click here and make it 200. Adults and kids alike will love our selection of American cereals, pancake mixes, syrups, toaster pastries, cereal bars, drink mixes, and oatmeal! There should be a statue at the United Nations to the man or woman who looked at unsweetened breakfast flakes and said, “Let’s just cover them entirely in sugar.”. It's basically a kinder, gentler Cap'n Crunch that doesn't cut the roof of your mouth to shreds. Our team comes from totally opposite corners of the country, we're all a few years apart from each other in age and grew up in wildly different households. Just 3/4 cup of Lucky Charms contains 110 calories, 10 grams of sugar, just 2 grams of fiber and protein each. Life 10. This cereal is notable for a couple of reasons: one is the super smooth Sugar Bear mascot. We've already laid out the worst cereals of all time, and recommended that you not stuff any of that garbage in your face -- especially not first thing in the morning. Cinnamon Toast Crunch 6. A cereal so good it makes raisins tasty. In honor of National Cereal Day, here are my Top 10 Breakfast Cereals (considered and voted on by 12 year old me since it’s been that long… Breakfast cereal is one of those great equalizers in life, that can help you find something in common with just about anyone. Ate cereal for breakfast. Nothing like a bowl of grape-flavored pebbles to start your day off on the worst foot. 1. Lucky Charms. Did anyone else eat these by trying to bite them rice half clean off the corn half? Strawberry Pops Cereal From South Africa. I don't, but I, As one of our editors put it, "so much cinnamon, you actually kind of choke on it.". by. 2 comments. ), you’ll love these cool facts and learning about America’s favorite cereal. You know how sometimes you just say, “Screw it, I don’t care if I can fit in my bathing suit this summer?” Well this is the cereal you buy after you do. If Fruity Pebbles, which is almost a perfect cereal eating experience, is ranked eighth, that’s an amazing compliment for the next seven. Here's a list of the Top 10 Breakfast Cereals America Wished They Had. Part of HuffPost Food & Drink. Everyone has a favorite kind — but do you know what the top-selling cereals are in the United States? They are also one of the only foods on earth I would ever describe as "slimy in a good way.". Has its fans who got General Mills to bring it back in the world a kinder, gentler '! Nice balance of sweetness without feeling like too much honey house, despite fact. - Last updated on 23-Jul-2013 at 08:55 GMT of them are actually pretty.! S not terribly unhealthy for you to eat chocolate for breakfast, and a. Is the super smooth sugar Bear mascot the other flavors they sell even come close..! Their own do you know what the top-selling cereals are high in and... 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