This term was sometimes used for great ships in Star Wars, like the Executor,[32] the Eye of Palpatine[29] and the Death Star II.[28]. Its power-generation facilities matched that of almost 1,000 light Separatist destroyers.[2]. This made the ships' development worth the expenses. [26] Over a dozen ships were built and fielded. Others considered the various redesignations and redefinitions contradictory and unnecessary, accepting the use of Super Star Destroyer as a general category. In some cases, if they were large enough, they can even be listed as superdreadnaughts.[2]. The Azalus-class was designed and built by the Hutt Cartel as an enforcement ship. [5], The Grand Cruiser was a Yuuzhan Vong analog of heavy Super Star Destroyers and used in fleet battles during the Yuuzhan Vong War. [20], At some point following the Second Galactic Civil War, heavy warships like the Star Defenders and Star Dreadnoughts were phased out of service, citing the expenses in operating the various designs. Click on images to download star wars dreadnought war STL files for your 3D Printer. [4], Although not a dreadnaught in the general sense, the Death Star II, due to its heavy firepower and powerful role, was frequently referred to by both Rebels and Imperials as being comparable to such during the Battle of Endor. With both a hangar and docking bay onboard, as well as large crew facilities, the ship has the capacity to carry a large force onboard for ground assault operations. Since the Expanded Universe renaissance introduced by West End Games had sources specifically divide warships into different types depending on their size and power, some fans welcomed what they saw as a necessary additions to explain all the differently sized Super Star Destroyers seen throughout decades of publishing. This article needs to be provided with more sources and/or appearances to conform to a higher standard of article quality. [4] It's primary role was acting as a sector command and control ship. Working with a disabled Dreadnaught taken from a local pirate group, Omega Shipyard engineers were able to replicate the general design of the Dreadnaught, but could not produce an armed, functioning replica. This article needs to be provided with more sources and/or appearances to conform to a higher standard of article quality. star wars dreadnought war STL Files for 3D Printers STLBase is a Search Engine for 3D printable Models and STL Files. The CY-610 dreadnought was a Star dreadnaught manufactured by Cybe Drives in the wake of the war of the Koornacht cluster. It is commanded by Captain Sysco. They had a sleeker design than the Executor class Dreadnought. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. The Dreadnaught-class heavy cruiser was designed to be a as close to a flying fortress as possible. [21] Despite the loss, it was used as inspiration for the later Executor-class. [11] They were large battleships equipped with heavy firepower, but had a limited range on their hyperdrives. Despite different naval nomenclature being used by various authors, Curtis Saxton was widely seen as responsible for the change in designations. a Star Destroyer and a Star Cruiser are not analogous to a naval Destroyer and a naval Cruiser and are equivalent in size and role, ships of size comparable to Star Dreadnoughts like the Subjugator-class heavy cruiser lack the description, and the existing Dreadnaught-class ship is smaller than all three. The Executor-class Star Dreadnaught has many weapons on the cruiser.The Executor-class has over 5,000 turbolaser batteries and Ion Cannons which includes, 2,000 turbolaser batteries, 2,000 heavy turbolaser batteries, 500 Point-defense laser cannons, 250 heavy concussion missile batteries, and 40 Phylon Transport Q7 tractor beam projectors. Unlike the previous Mandator's or its "cousin," the Bellator-class dreadnought, the Mandator III-class was specifically designed to act as a heavy weapons platform, and had a length of 12,000 meters. [1], By the start of the Clone Wars, seven of what KDY classified as Star Dreadnoughts were in service: three defended Kuat, while the Azure, Ixtlar, Alsaka and Humbarine sectors had one each. [3][5] In turn, the lower-case term star dreadnought could be used to describe Super Star Destroyers in general. The Sovereign-class was based on the Eclipse-class and meant to be a smaller, cheaper design for mass-production. However, the experience of Operation Shadow Hand, where some twelve Star Dreadnoughts led a renewed Imperial assault out of the Deep Core, the Orinda campaign, where they proved to have no counter against the Imperial Remnant's Reaper, Megador and Dominion dreadnoughts, and finally the Black Fleet Crisis, the New Republic realized the need for bigger and stronger capital ships to deter would-be attackers. The Eclipse-class Star Dreadnought gained notoriety for its superlaser. [6] According to the Imperial Handbook, the official field manual for the Imperial Military, the Eclipse-class as well as its sister design the Sovereign-class were intended to revolutionize naval combat and ensure Imperial dominance through the next century.[25]. Mandators were primarily used to protect the valuable Kuat Drive Yards, as well as defend the general sector. [4], An Assertor-class Star Dreadnought leading a Base Delta Zero operation, The Star Dreadnought concept was not without opposition in the Imperial Navy. It's a battle of the Super Star Destroyers, as the Assertor dreadnought takes on the father of all SSD's, the Executor! How Wookieepedia treats Canon and Legends, Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections, Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith Incredible Cross-Sections, Star Wars Roleplaying Game Saga Edition Core Rulebook, The Imperial Warlords: Despoilers of an Empire, Part 2, Star Wars: Clone Wars Volume 6: On the Fields of Battle, Republic 71: Dreadnaughts of Rendili, Part 3, Underworld: A Galaxy of Scum and Villainy, Star Wars: Empire at War: Forces of Corruption, The New Jedi Order: Force Heretic I: Remnant, Star Wars: Imperial Handbook: A Commander's Guide, [27] According to the Imperial Handbook, the official field manual for the Imperial Military, the Sovereign-class as well as its sister design the Eclipse-class were intended to revolutionize naval combat and ensure Imperial dominance through the next century. [14], The Vengeance-class was a 19km long Star Dreadnought line with at least three vessels produced. Category:Star Dreadnought classes | Star Wars Fanon | Fandom. Much of the criticism towards the term "Star Dreadnought" stem from the belief that it's applying terminology to ship names that were not originally created to fit with the English naval hierarchy and that only recent authors like Saxton have used it in such a fashion. Sep 2, 2015 - Explore Benamon Tame's board "Star Wars Dreadnought", followed by 275 people on Pinterest. There is a class of Star Dreadnought that is 60 Kilometers on it’s longest axis – 41 Kilometers longer than the Executer. [15][3] With the Death Star's destruction, they became the Empire's mightiest weapons, designed to be so powerful that the mere threat of their deployment would pacify multiple sectors.[4]. In Naval terminology, dreadnought is generally synonymous with battleships constructed after and influenced by HMS Dreadnought. The ships have a strong hull with multiple gun placements, as well as military-grade shielding. The Mandator-class served in the private sector fleets of the Kuat sector, being designed and fielded in the final decades of the Galactic Republic. In the Anaxes War College System it referred to any ship over 5,000 meters long[1]. The Mandator III-class was a newer model of the Mandator design and served in the Galactic Empire. The Azalus-class dreadnought was a dreadnought first commissioned by the Hutts centuries ago.. History. It appears throughout the Star Wars franchise, particularly the original trilogy.. Dooku's solar sailer. The end result was a warship 12km long, covered in various armaments. [6], Various classes of Star Dreadnoughts were known to have served in the Kuat Drive Yards defense fleets,[1][7] the Republic Navy,[8][2] the Imperial Navy,[3][5][7] the New Republic Defense Fleet[9] and the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet. An Executor-class Star Dreadnought dwarfs surrounding Imperial-class Star Destroyers. [23], The Bellator-class dreadnought was a successor design to the Mandator-class and Mandator II-class Star Dreadnoughts, being built primarily with speed in mind in contrast with its "cousin," the Mandator III-class dreadnought. [28], The Eye of Palpatine was a dreadnaught larger in overall size than the largest Super Star Destroyers, fielded in 18 BBY,[29] although in terms of length was comparable in size to the Executor-class Star Dreadnought and Vengeance-class dreadnought at 19 kilometers. [16] Two vessels were constructed in secret over a ten year period, and fielded during Operation Shadow Hand. 1 Defense Tokens 2 Possible Upgrades 3 Class Specifics 3.1 Overview Class Specifics: 4 Available Through Brace (x2) Redirect (x2) Contain (x2) Star Dreadnaught Titles Officer (x3) Weapons Team Fleet Command (x2) Offensive Retrofit Ion Cannons Turbolasers Weapons Team & Offensive Retrofit The Star Dreadnought Command Prototype is a ship with a huge base. The designation "Star Dreadnought" was first explicitly used in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections for the Mandator-class, and the Executor-class was given the designation in Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy. Wookieepedia is a FANDOM Movies Community. Decades later, the ship was reactivated in a ploy to get more power for the Imperial Remnant, but was ultimately destroyed by the New Republic.[29]. In order to avoid controversy in the Imperial Senate, naval documents simply classified the new Star Dreadnought as a new class of Star Destroyer, understating its size, role and armament. Despite the imposing threat of these classes, most were either destroyed by sabotage or in battle, or captured by the New Republic, leaving few rogue Star Dreadnoughts still active at the end of the Civil War.[6]. Reference Book: Star Wars Saga Edition Knights of the Old Republic Campaign Guide The 1,360-meter-long Kandosii-Type Dreadnaught, named for the Mando'a word for "Ruthless," is the most fearsome element of the Mandalorian fleet.Perhaps more than any other ship in the Mandalorian arsenal, the Kandosii-Type Dreadnaught is an amalgamation of "Appropriated" technologies. The Javelin anchored one of the fleets to reconquer the Core Worlds during 10 ABY, but was destroyed during the Imperial Civil War when it rammed a Torpedo Sphere that guarded the planet Chasin. It had a crew of 53,000 officers, 140,000 enlisted personnel, and 22,000 stormtroopers. Dreadnaut is one of twenty-three robots to have completed The Gauntlet, and, along with Mortis, Nemesis and Roadblock, is one of four robots to have completed it twice. The Executor-class was a successful line of Star Dreadnoughts that came in several variants, and was believed to be the "ultimate" in Star Dreadnought design in its time. As well, the term Star Dreadnought was initially seen as largely redundant with the pre-existing term Super Star Destroyer, as at the time the term Star Dreadnought was first used, Super Star Destroyers categorized as Star Cruisers and Star Battlecruisers have neither been introduced nor were they specifically identified, leaving Star Dreadnoughts the only category within Super Star Destroyer with any ships in it. Many traditionalists saw the enormous ships as far too expensive and inefficient in comparison to patrol boats, frigates and cruisers for policing space. [16] Construction on the first four ships began around 0 ABY, but they were all ultimately destroyed around the time of Palpatine's final death and the Destruction of Byss. Inside the World… This Super Star Destroyer prototype, twelve kilometers in length, was destroyed by early Rebel elements over Byss before its completion. [4], As the Galactic Civil War heated up, various new Star Dreadnought designs were shelved mid-production due to countless credits and talented engineers being diverted to the creation of the Death Star, with its destruction being the only reason they were able to continue. This category is for all Star Dreadnought classes. The Indomitable-class Dreadnaught is one of the few original Laro designs developed and built before the end of the Laro Civil War. TheVengeance-class was based on the standard Super Star Destroyer design, theExecutor-class. [12] The Kuat Drive Yards produced the faster, more heavily-armed and -armored Mandator II during this period. The Stormhammer Assault Dreadnaught is a heavy warship based on a partial reverse engineering of a Rendili StarDrive Dreadnaught-class Heavy Cruiser. Consequently, the New Class Modernization Program did not include new battlecruiser or dreadnought designs. It was created by the warriors of Rolan and meant entirely for war. Among the achievements of this era was the Executor-class design. The Vengeance was the flagship of Dark Jedi and Imperial Inquisitor Jerec from before the Battle of Endor to his death in 5 ABY. The designation "Star Dreadnought" was first explicitly used in Star Wars: Attack of the Clones Incredible Cross-Sections for the Mandator-class, and the Executor-class was given the designation in Inside the Worlds of Star Wars Trilogy. Despite the Federation of Free Planets and the Fel Empire's earlier declaration of considering dreadnoughts obselete, the ships were used in retaliation to Darth Cyrus' usage of the ship. [6], The Assertor-class was a Star Dreadnought used by the Imperial Navy. To traditionalists, battlecruisers and dreadnoughts, lumped together under the derisive tag "Super Star Destroyers" (which later spread to the Rebellion through Imperial defectors), seemed to be egotistical constructions rather than pieces of a coherent military strategy. [25], The Sarlacc Project was aimed at developing a flagship for the then-newly created Imperial Navy in 19 BBY. [19] They were among the largest classes produced by the New Republic and saw heavy duty in the Yuuzhan Vong War, becoming part of the Galactic Alliance Defense Fleet, when the New Republic was reorganized into the Galactic Federation of Free Alliances. While lacking the stealth technology of the Elliseum-Class Star Dreadnaught, it boasts a considerable large weapon count as well as defensive options, and starfighter compliment. [4], As the Clone Wars raged, heavier warships as well as increased loyalty were demanded, and Supreme Chancellor Palpatine pushed through legislation that made all home fleets fall under the centralized command of the restored Republic Navy. The New Republic initially regarded Star Dreadnoughts as inflexible and inefficient, preferring a combination of smaller-platform capital ships and starfighters for its fleets. 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