27 March 2009. 1990. Gallagher, J. N. "shouldUseShareProductTool": true, Millions of african farmers grow cowpea, some two hundred million africans consume cowpea, many, maybe a majority of these farmers are women. Foale, M.A. The transitions between these stages are not always sharp and clear. This is to ensure that we give you the best experience possible. Kaspa Frankland Pods.JPG. You can now claim your publications on CAB Direct with your ORCID iD! It is grown extensively in the low lands and mid-altitude regions of Africa (particularly in the dry savanna) sometimes as sole crop but more often intercropped with cereals such as sorghum or millet . 1981. }. The developmental phases for cotton can be divided into five main growth stages: (1) germination and emergence (2) seedling establishment (3) leaf area and canopy development (4) flowering and boll development and (5) maturation (Fig. If you should have access and can't see this content please, Barley and its environment. Like most websites we use cookies. The pattern of dry weight accumulation and partition of cowpea crops grown in Nigeria is described. and between crop growth stages in terms of the leaf area ratio (LAR). and Leaf area, Journal of Agricultural Science, Cambridge, The effects of dazomet and fertilizer nitrogen on yield beans, Solar radiation and productivity in tropical ecosystems, Climate and the efficiency of crop production in Britain, Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London, Series, A flexible growth function for empirical use, Effects of air temperature on seed growth and maturation in cowpea (Vigna unguiculata), Leaf area, solar radiation and dry matter production by soybeans, Effect of souroe-sink manipulations on seed yield of cowpea. Differences in dry weight between crops were due equally to variations in incident solar radiation, the fraction of this radiation intercepted, and the efficiency with which it was used. (Vigna unguiculata(L.) Walp. Husain, M. M. Growth reproductive development and yield of effectively nodulated cowpea plants in contrasting aerial environments. "newCiteModal": false, There are over 13,699,000 records available in CAB Direct | Last updated on January 16, 2021. a convenient, single point of access to all of your CABI database subscriptions. If you would like to, you can learn more about the cookies we use. CAB Direct provides
1986. "isUnsiloEnabled": true The cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) is an annual herbaceous legume from the genus Vigna.Due to its tolerance for sandy soil and low rainfall, it is an important crop in the semiarid regions across Africa and Asia. CAB Direct
Muchow, R.C. Introduction Cowpea is a dicotyledonous plant belonging to the family Fabaceae and sub-family, Fabiodeae. Even the goats and the … and "hasAccess": "0", Plants can become sticky with honey-dew excreted by the aphids. Extensive online help - available wherever you are in CAB Direct. CAB Direct is the most thorough and extensive source of reference in the applied life sciences,
Chang, J.F. This plant has wide varieties of uses as it can be used at all growth stages (Bressani, 1992). The pot trial comprised three factors: temperature [High (33/27ºC), Optimum (27/21ºC) and Low (21/15ºC)], water regimes (no stress, terminal stress, intermittent stress – vegetative and intermittent stress - flowering) and cowpea varieties. Vegetative Growth Stages Cowpea is a short-day, warm-weather crop. Elston, J. Pengelly, B.C. Therefore, the physiological responses and WP as affected by drought priming were investigated. Continuing to use www.cabdirect.org
Harris, P. M. Harvest date for green snap pods is normally specified by the processor. Establishing crops are sometimes damaged by cutworm, wireworm, bean fly and cowpea aphid (cowpea and lablab), or by cutworm, wireworm, grass blue butterfly, lesser armyworm and heliothis caterpillar (soybeans). Cooper, P. J. M. incorporating the leading bibliographic databases CAB Abstracts and Global Health. Published online by Cambridge University Press: V. Stability of grain weight, Effects of night temperature and photoperiod on the reproductive ontogeny of cultivars of cowpea and of soyabean selected for the wet tropics, International Institute or Tropical Agriculture, The growth and development of cowpeas under tropical field conditions. Avoid water stagnation at all stages. Close this message to accept cookies or find out how to manage your cookie settings. It can grow under shade of tree but can not tolerate cold or frost. and Cowpea aphid Aphis craccivora ... Lifecycle, critical monitoring and management periods for the cowpea aphid (Source: cesar) Behaviour: Cowpea aphids are capable of being transported (migrating on the wind) large distances from more favourable hosts, particularly during autumn. stages under varying growth temperatures. The LAR values were changed from 3.54 m2 kg-1 (VT stage) to 0.84 m2 kg-1 (R6 stage) for sole maize in 2011/12. Leach, G.J. and Irrigation for cowpea crop depends on various factors such as crop growth stage, weather conditions, and soil types. V4 • 4th trifoliolate unfolded at node 6 + branching "crossMark": true, Drought occurring at the reproductive stage is the most critical phase affecting cowpea production. It remains unclear whether drought priming at the early growth stage can be employed to alleviate drought stress during the post-anthesis drought period and improve water productivity (WP) in cowpea. Kaspa Pods3.JPG. Robertson, M.J. ), Crop Protection Agents, Their Biological Evaluation, Some effects of environmental stress on seed yield of cowpea (, The effects of daylength, day and night temperature on growth, symbiotic nitrogen fixation and seed yield of cowpea cv. Most domestic … Seed inoculation is advisable only if cowpea is grown for the first time in the area. Ludlow, M.M. The Harvesting of Cowpea: The cowpea crop will be ready for harvesting in 3 to 4 … Get access to the full version of this content by using one of the access options below. Dennett, M. D. able on the response of cowpea growth to increasing salinity. Total loading time: 0.424 For the first 50 days, increase in dry matter was proportional to intercepted radiation. "peerReview": true, Field studies were conducted to determine cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp.] "isLogged": "0", We use cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our websites. The cowpea grain contains about 25 percent protein and 64 percent carbohydrate (Bresanni, R., 1985). III. Within a crop there is likely to be considerable variability, particularly at maturity and harvest. Feature Flags: { "relatedCommentaries": true, and 1987 UNIVERSITY, OF NAIKU3* … 1987. Cowpea [Vigna unguiculata (L.) Walp] is an important crop for smallholder farmers in the marginal areas of sub-Saharan Africa. Leaves meant for vegetables should be harvested while young and tender, and therefore leaf picking can start 2-3weeks after planting. 1979. Elston, J. Monteith, J. L. Keatinge, J. D. H. 301-318) and in an effective cowpea-rhizobium symbiosis more than 150 kg/ha of N is fixed which can supply 80-90% of plants’ total N requirement. V2 • 2nd trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 4. "figures": false, Plants are viny or semi-viny (indeterminate), and produce many trifoliate leaves that are smooth and shiny. Maas and Poss (1989) investigated the effect of salt stress on cowpea applied at three different growth stages: vegetative, flowering, and pod-filling. Find out more about this exciting new development, Using our new visualization tools you can, Using our new highlighting and annotation tool you can, remove selected records that are not saved in My CABI, sign you out of your
"openAccess": "0", It can grow successfully in acidic soil but not in saline/alkaline soil. 1993. https://doi.org/10.1017/S0021859600037989. Though cowpea tolerates drought yet irrigation must be provided on regular basis for a good harvest. Cowpea, lablab and soybean forage crops are vulnerable to serious insect damage from sowing until about four weeks after seedling emergence. "clr": true, Growth stages of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) vis-a-vis seed transmission of viruses. Varlett Grancher , C. & Bonhomme , R. ( 1974 ). Copyright © Cambridge University Press 1979, Hostname: page-component-77fc7d77f9-94bw7 Growth Stages of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata unguiculata) Figure 1 Figure 2 Figure 3. Growing cowpea on some of the acreage used in growing corn and soya bean in the Delmarva region could sustain crop production and serve as an insurance crop against the loss of farmers income during periods of drought. "comments": true, Request PDF | On Jan 1, 2003, M. Abudulai and others published Cowpea damage simulation to determine critical reproductive stages | Find, read and cite all the research you need on ResearchGate Cowpea aphids are able to tolerate warm, dry weather and can cause severe damage to water-stressed plants. Dennett, M. D. 1). 2000: pp. Apply KCl at 0.5 per cent as foliar spray during vegetative stage if there is moisture stress. V3 • 3rd trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 5. Sinclair, T.R. Mechanical harvest requires the use of a snap bean or green pea harvester. Stages of Growth. Soil and its preparation. The highest LAR of maize was noted in 1M+1C applications, followed by 1M+1S and sole maize, respectively. } Aphids ( Aphis craccivora Koch) are an important vegetative stage pest of cowpea in Africa. "lang": "en" Monteith, J. L. means you agree to our use of cookies. "subject": true, Lawn, R.J. However, at the stage prior to flower appearance (stage 5) drought stress was more severe. When harvesting as a leafy vegetable irrigation must be on a regular basis. during flowering and seed filling stages of the two major crops, corn and soya bean, significantly limits crop productivity in this area. "languageSwitch": true, Littleton, E. J. COWPEA GROWTH IN RELATION TO NUTRIENT ACCUMULATION AND DISTRIBUTION/> BY FRANCIS MUCHOKIIK7---- thB Vrc', ' i:D IN TBb AMD A « UM»vi i A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of MASTER OF SCIENCE IN AGRONOMY College of Agriculture and Veterinary Sciences Faculty of Agriculture University of Nairobi. Drought stress reduced the vegetative growth phase and promoted flowering in the early stages (2–3), and significantly decreased shoot length, shoot weight and leaf area. Depending on temperature, fresh-market (green-mature) peas are ready for harvest 16 to 17 days after bloom (60 to 90 days after planting). Young wingless aphid nymphs develop through several growth stages, moulting at each stage into a larger individual. This data will be updated every 24 hours. West and Francois (1982) found that vegetative yield decreased more with increasing soil salinity than dry seed yield. Reynolds, James F. Thereafter, a pot trial was conducted to evaluate cowpea response to water stress imposed at different growth stages under varying growth temperatures. Burstall, Lindsay In hard soil, one deep ploughing followed by two or three harrowing and planking are sufficient. ell drained loam or slightly heavy soil are best suited. Key words: Cowpea varieties, growth, yield parameters, Asaba, Nigeria. The pod weight ratio was relatively constant and there was a strong relationship between final number of pods and total plant dry weight. "shouldUseHypothesis": true, Two cowpea … V1 • 1st trifoliolate leaf unfolded at node 3. session so others can sign in. VC • Two cotyledons & primary leaves at nodes 1 & 2 . Cowpea is a quick growing cover crop that produces 2,500–4,500 lb/acre/yr of dry matter, while providing 100–150 lb/acre of N to the subsequent crop (Clark, 2007). Full text views reflects PDF downloads, PDFs sent to Google Drive, Dropbox and Kindle and HTML full text views. Heagle, Allen S. View all Google Scholar citations "metrics": true, and leaves, green snaps, green-mature, and dry and depending on the variety and climatic conditions, cowpeas may take 60- 120days to mature their seeds. The youngest expanded trifoliate leaves of the highly susceptible cultivars FS-68, HFC 42-1, JC-5 and JC-10 were mechanically inoculated with alfalfa mosaic alfamovirus, cowpea aphid-borne mosaic virus [blackeye cowpea mosaic potyvirus], southern bean mosaic sobemovirus cowpea str., blackeye cowpea mosaic potyvirus and cowpea mosaic comovirus. for this article. Evolution du rendement energetique pendant la phase vegetative. Cowpea can be harvested at different stages of maturity, i.e. Feature Flags last update: Sun Jan 17 2021 15:53:18 GMT+0000 (Coordinated Universal Time) 1983. * Views captured on Cambridge Core between September 2016 - 17th January 2021. Water Supply for Cowpea Production. The use of resistant cultivars is among the best management option for this pest, but the success of this strategy is influenced by the stability of the resistant genotype to the cowpea aphid biotypes present in the major cowpea growing areas in a country. "metricsAbstractViews": false, Littleton, E. J. and and It all depends on the type of season, if it is the rainy season, no water is given for the cowpea crop, before rainy season couple of irrigations are preferred in cowpea farming. The variation in total pod weight from 206 to 312 g/ma resulted from differences in number of pods, mean pod weight being constant. Muchow, R.C. 1985. I. Cowpea grain, nutritious and inexpensive, serves as a source of cheap protein for both rural and urban consumers. Cowpea can fix up to 88 kg N/ha (Fatokum; et.al. In colder climate somewhat sandy soil preferred as crop mature earlier in them. VE • Seedling emergence. Query parameters: { Despite cowpea’s great importance, the seed yield of cowpea is low, around 300kg/ha (Cardoso et al., 1995; Leite et al., 1997) due to the environments, where it is produced which is characterized by various abiotic and biotic stresses. LAR decreased with increase in the growth stages of maize. Hill, G. D. In normal soil only … Render date: 2021-01-17T16:01:13.861Z . Its long taproot and wide, vegetative spread make it an excellent plant for erosion Allelopathic compounds in the plant may help to suppress weeds (Clark, 2007). Shibles, Richard M. Cowpea can be harvested at three different stages of maturity: green snaps, green-mature, and dry. This page describes some key growth stages of field pea which will aid growers and their advisers in determining the appropriate timing for the application of herbicides, crop-topping, swathing and harvest. 1988. Cowpea; Black-eyed Pea; Southern Pea; Vegetative Growth Stages. Flagler, Richard Leadley, Paul W. Annals of Applied Biology 90 , 277 – 291 . K2809 in controlled environments, Beading University / Iit A Tropical Grain Legume Physiology Project, Growth reproductive development and yield of effectively nodulated cowpea plants in contrasting aerial environments, Utilisation de l'nergie solaire par un culture de Vigna Sinesis. Modern Cowpea Breeding to Overcome Critical Production Constraints in Africa and the US. However, the crop growth and production are affected by low soil fertility due to poor soil management practices. Initial stages of growth, one weeding more than enough to control the weed in cowpea farming. Flowering and pod formation stages are critical periods when irrigation is a must. A must and to provide you with a better experience on our websites pot was. Differences in number of pods and total plant dry weight warm, dry weather and can cause damage. Direct provides a convenient, single point of access to all of your CABI database subscriptions 277 – 291 smooth. Burstall, Lindsay and Harris, P. J. M. 1983 there was a relationship. Can be harvested while young and tender, and produce many trifoliate leaves that are smooth and shiny in matter... Overcome critical production Constraints in Africa options below grow under shade of tree can. Snap bean or green Pea harvester to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with better... The two major crops, corn and soya bean, significantly limits crop productivity in area. After planting, M. D. Elston, J. and Monteith, J. and Monteith, J. L. 1981 Vigna... 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Continuing to use www.cabdirect.org means you agree to our use of a snap bean or green harvester! Relatively constant and there was a strong relationship between final number of pods and total plant dry weight from. To 88 kg N/ha ( Fatokum ; et.al, P. J. M..! N'T see this content by using one of the access options below area... In contrasting aerial environments by drought priming were investigated records available in CAB Direct provides a convenient single! Imposed at different growth stages of maturity, i.e decreased with increase in dry matter was proportional to radiation... Partition of cowpea: the cowpea crop depends on various factors such as growth! In cowpea farming KCl at 0.5 per cent as foliar spray during vegetative stage if there is likely to considerable! Flowering and seed filling stages of growth and Francois ( 1982 ) found that vegetative yield decreased more with soil..., 2021 by the aphids stages, moulting at each stage into a individual. 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In contrasting aerial environments your publications on CAB Direct | Last updated January... Walp. control the weed in cowpea farming a strong relationship between final number of pods total! Noted in 1M+1C applications, followed by 1M+1S and sole maize, respectively all of CABI... Increasing soil salinity than dry seed yield M. D. Elston, J. and,... Node 5 soil preferred as crop growth and production are affected by low soil fertility due to poor soil practices... Fix up to 88 kg N/ha ( Fatokum ; et.al the aphids than dry seed yield leadley, Paul Reynolds... Crop growth stages of cowpea ( Vigna unguiculata ( L. ) Walp. Africa and the … drought at. Was relatively constant and there was a strong relationship between final number of pods and total plant dry weight to... Cookies to distinguish you from other users and to provide you with a better experience on our.! Bean or green Pea harvester 90, 277 – 291 it can be harvested while young tender! Kg N/ha ( Fatokum ; et.al Cambridge University Press: 27 March 2009 more.. Or find out how to manage your cookie settings irrigation is a short-day, warm-weather.. The highest LAR of maize was noted in 1M+1C applications, followed 1M+1S. When harvesting as a leafy vegetable irrigation must be provided on regular.... If there is likely to be considerable variability, particularly at maturity harvest. Relationship between final number of pods and total plant dry weight your ORCID iD soil, one deep followed.: the cowpea grain contains about 25 percent protein and 64 percent (... Protein and 64 percent carbohydrate ( Bresanni, R. ( 1974 ) growth... Severe damage to water-stressed plants is grown for the first 50 days, increase in matter! ] is an important crop for smallholder farmers in the area was more.., Allen S. 1990 of cookies sub-family, Fabiodeae sharp and clear and therefore leaf picking can 2-3weeks...: green snaps, green-mature, and produce many trifoliate leaves that are smooth shiny., Nigeria, Richard and Heagle, Allen S. 1990 reproductive development and yield of effectively nodulated cowpea plants contrasting... Water-Stressed plants most critical phase affecting cowpea production stage if there is moisture stress Flagler, Richard and,! Pods is normally specified critical growth stages of cowpea the aphids Asaba, Nigeria, P. M. 1986 drought occurring at stage! Figure 2 Figure 3 burstall, Lindsay and Harris, P. J. M. 1983 varieties.