Your stance should always be balanced and unstrained. Remember, most of your power comes from your lower half. This exercise combines all facets of power production, demanding hip strength, midline stability, separation, and sequencing for power. Begin with the medicine ball by your shoulder, similar to (but probably slightly lower) than where you would hold your bat. Learn more about our … Consideration #1: Focus on Strength Before Power, Consideration #3: Be Intentional About Power When Using a Medicine Ball, Softball Hitting Tips — Six Drills to Improve Power, this post that highlights six of the best j-band, long loop and short loop band exercises. The goal of this drill is to standardize your swing and find out where you generate your power from. FIVE KEY SECRETS TO BETTER HITTING. Strength is the foundation of any well-rounded athlete. I see this almost only in softball. Hip stability allows a hitter to generate tremendous force without compensating and relying too much on the muscles of the back. In this video, Coach Paul Reddick and his players deomonstrate good stances for their swings. Now get in your batting stance and start taking some hacks with your practice stick. Make sure your back foot (one … 2. We want to keep our head as still as possible. Inconsistent landing of the front foot, either stepping in bucket or diving into home plate. This is typically why we find leaks in power due to tightness or injury — the body is protecting itself by limiting explosiveness. Next, without changing torso height, pull the band down to your opposite knee. Knob pointing towards the pitcher, top hand palm to the sky and hands are in front of the chest/belly button. =========================================. We need power positions … Understanding that the normal batting stance (i.e. So, to answer the question, … For the kneeling banded anti-rotation pulldown, you’ll need a band with 10-20 pounds of resistance attached to an elevated structure. This movement will point your knees into each other, creating the perfect weight distribution for power, balance and to stay back. The grip is tension free and the hands are not spread apart. - Eric Thames, MLB Player, Milwaukee Brewers. All content copyright ©2019 The Hitting Vault. The final consideration when it comes to developing power at the plate is to be intentional about that power. The only valid reason for opening up in your batting stance is to improve vision/release-point recognition, generally, facing submarine pitchers. Too upright in your stance and you will be able to the hit high pitch best. EXOPRECISE ℗®: HIT SMARTER, FASTER, STRONGER; FOR LONGER. front foot land) stays the same whether the pitch is in our out is an important concept for hitters. In this video I answer a question that asks where in … Raise your back elbow. And we keep this position and take the bat then the hands to the ball. For any explosive rotational movement, the forces needed to create this motion are initiated by the hips and legs. To take and record these measurements, you’ll need the help of a coach, teammate or parent. Using the bat like a tomahawk, the coach or another player soft tosses a baseball above the waist. You’ll need to balance your weight properly, position your feet, hands, and eyes, and hold the bat at the right angle. Trying to drive the ball consistently using only your upper half is a great way to set yourself up for disappointment. Grip the bat where your top hand normally grips. Then return to your starting positing, regain control, and prepare for your next repetition. The success of any baseball or softball hitter starts with the proper batting stance. Strength and Conditioning Journal. 4. (Don’t worry, that will be covered next.). Gripping the bat tight slows your bat speed. 1999; 21(4):54-59. By Art Eversole What makes the game of slow-pitch softball so much fun for all ages and skill level is that nearly anyone can swing a softball bat at a slow pitch and get a base hit regardless of how poor the batting technique. It’s what helps our bodies withstand the wear and tear endured over a season and a career. Once you’re fully balanced, have a coach or teammate throw an MB toward you so that you catch it with your arms extended. In baseball, that distance is 60 feet. 1. SWINGRAIL Baseball/Softball Swing Trainer . Start in a side plank position with your elbows and shoulders directly in line with each other. Hopefully, you can see the similarities between this exercise and the movements of a hitter. FYI, opening up does not help players to hit an inside fastball, it’s a band-aid solution; you improve bat speed and swing path mechanics, focusing on your swing foundation; core mechanics, and rotation. The inability to absorb power will cap your power potential and limit your overall growth as a hitter (or eventually lead to injury). While pressing your arms into the ground to maintain stability, move your extended leg out to the side as far as possible without your hips losing balance or control. Home » Portfolio » Hitting Images » Baseball Power Workout » Baseball Stance And Load » Best Batting Stance For Power, Wearing the #LaserBST (#BatSpeedTrainer), how it works, benefits, design, #SpringTraining BP tips, Multi-Swing Method, Think Mechanics; elongating swing path, extending, ahead in the batting count. Much of the power in your swing comes from the lower body, and rotating your hips helps to use that power, and to fully extend your arms and bat toward the ball. Our post on the Top 5 Mistakes Hitters Make in Their Stanceis a goo… That means you should focus on being just as aggressive with these exercises as when you’re hitting a ball. More information #LaserPowerSwingTrainer - #BaseballSwing power trainer for #MLB #MinorLeague #CollegeBaseball #HighSchoolBaseball #YouthBaseball and #Softball . Generate home run power and greater bat-head speed in slow-pitch softball by taking a shuffle step toward the pitcher. Has the effortless pop you had on opening day gradually tapered off over the course of the season? Unlock over 100 Hitting Drills Instantly At the end of the day, our philosophy is that if you can put the ball in play at the right launch angle with high exit velocity, then you are going to not only climb in the order but also elevate your game. Noticeably all of the records improved." We recommend the K Position when batting. We want to keep a power position with both the lead arm and the top arm. Hitting is arguably the most skill-intensive movement in all of sports. It’s important to perform a full swing of the bat for a powerful hit instead of stopping the bat halfway through. Focusing only on producing power is like adding a souped-up engine to a car without checking the breaks. The term “midline stability” is another way to talk about core strength. You will want to adjust your distance from home plate to give you room to hit the ball if inside but not so far away that you could not reach a pitch on the outside of the plate. Open Batting Stance. Lacking the confidence to hit an inside fastball. Try to get over the ball and hit the top of it into the ground. 3. Cassie Reilly-Boccia is the Director of Research and Development and Intern Curriculum at Athletes Warehouse in Pleasantville, New York. To View the Next Video in this Series Click Here: 00. Whereas some people think of core strength as having a six-pack, it actually implies that the athlete can rotate, flex, extend, and side bend safely and explosively during athletic movements (and, in particular, during the swing). Typically, the best medicine ball weight for softball players during these drills is 4-10 pounds, depending on age and strength. Related reading: Softball Hitting Tips — Six Drills to Improve Power. Core Power Hitting Stance Drill Straddle the ball and squeeze your inner-thighs/groin into the middle of the ball. Get two articles delivered to your inbox each week. It was impressive, the other coach kept raising his eyebrows." OFFICIAL SITE FOR EXOPRECISE HITTING PRODUCTS. Pointing your toes slightly inward, with the weight of your body on the inside part of your feet and forward on the balls of your feet. If your body doesn’t think you can safely decelerate a tremendously aggressive swing, it will brace itself and stop you from producing an explosive sequence of movements. Consult a medical professional before starting an exercise program. When you are playing baseball/softball, as a batter, there is a lot of pressure on you. An athletic stance involves: Spreading your feet wider than shoulder-width apart. Stability at the hip will also allow a hitter to harness the power generated during the swing and not have a weak hip lead to leaked power. After 10 swings in one stance, try standing a different way to see if you can generate more power or bat speed. It was created to teach athletes how to move their body to unlock their most powerful swing. Typically, the best medicine ball weight for softball players during these drills is 4-10 pounds, depending on age and strength. One reason players grip the bat tight is fear of letting it go, however, the hands tighten at contact. Fastpitch softball is a variation of the game of softball in which the pitchers throw the ball underhand at speeds that can top 75 mph. 4.6 out of 5 stars 29. Improving your power through workouts doesn’t have to be complicated. On a regulation softball diamond, the pitcher’s mound is 43 feet from home plate. This article explains why, runs down three important considerations to keep in mind when you’re in the gym, and highlights six exercises that can have a game-changing impact on your hitting. The hip thrust and variations of it is one of the best (and safest) exercises that fastpitch softball players can do in the weight room., "I finished the Laser Power ST training and checked the bat speed, swing time, and handle speed. Also, double-check your radar device, as some are inaccurate when measuring slow-moving objects. All right reserved. This exercise is a great strengthening tool for the lateral stabilizers of the back and core. Test the size of the bat by having the player grip the handle with the dominant hand and hold it straight out from the body with the arm extended. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases.. In 2012, she and her team won the Women’s College World Series. As shown in the first image (on the left), you should have your weight centered and not be falling or leaning one way or the other. You're signed out. If you’re interested in learning more about how to integrate resistance bands into your workout, warmup and recovery routines, check out this post that highlights six of the best j-band, long loop and short loop band exercises. That means a 75 mpg pitch in softball is the equivalent to about a 125 mph fastball in baseball. Stance. Shopping. "I can't wait to put this thing on and go to work... crushing it." - South Korea, "Currently, NC Dinos (Korea Pro Baseball Team) is playing Korean Series Play-Off (Semi-Final) I am meeting the team analyst, introducing the Laser Power ST." - South Korea. Due to the fact that there are several muscles of the ‘core’ that also cross over the hip joint, there are a few exercises that can train and strengthen both midline stability and hip control. Feet a little wider than shoulder-width. Typically, a target at approximately eye level is beneficial for trajectory angle. Following these guidelines can help accelerate your power progression at every stage of your development as a hitter: Weight training is an important part of your overall fitness and conditioning, but it’s important to utilize exercises that are designed to strengthen your body in the right way. If playback doesn't begin shortly, try restarting your device. $219.00 $ 219. Copy link. You can see this exercise in action in this YouTube video. Weight is on the front and inside balls of the feet, slight bend in the knees; avoid “knees, over toes.”. Next, emulate the phases of the swing and aggressively rotate from the back hip to fire the medicine ball into the wall. A good swing is a good swing. Asking, “why do you do it?” The response, “I don’t know.”. Repetitions of this exercise should be done at a slow speed in order to ensure the midline is capable of proper absorption of forces in the vulnerable positions of the swing. Your stance should feel easy–balanced and natural. 5. Feet spread out in a straight line at shoulder width apart, then have your kids spread out an extra 3 to 6 inches. Find the middle ground because the head is the key. Rusty Mcnamara, Hitting Coach; University Of Hawaii, USA. As a softball player, midline stability and hip control are two components of strength that should be addressed first when creating a workout protocol. Head and eyes are pointing toward the pitcher. Just as with hitting, impressive exit velocity doesn’t matter if the launch angle is off. Hands near the back shoulder. Glasser J, Anthony C, Brown W. Off-Season Training for Women’s Softball. Aug 21, 2018 - Opening in your batting stance does not improve power, it’s a band-aid solution; to improve power focus on your foundation; core mechanics, and rotation. Gain momentum by leading with your left arm -- if you are a right-handed batter -- and pull the bat through the hitting zone. Aim for holding it at least three seconds. May 1, 2011. The goal is to intentionally decelerate the weight as you rotate. Lower your back elbow. If right handed, grip with your right hand only and the left hand for left handed batters. Compact/Fastball Hitting Stance. Join and get access to over 100+ exclusive videos for members and step-by-step instruction so you’ll know exactly what to do next to unlock your power at the plate. This one is second most common, and is usually from a result of having some problems with the square stance. In order to be a good softball hitter, you have to use your entire body. The work you do in the gym should be directly linked to your on-field field goals. This page contains affiliate links. White Sox Hitting Coach Matt Lisle is Giving Away Tickets to the Most Valuable Hour of Hitting Instruction. *Hit Lasers – Patents, trademarks, trade names, brands, and logos are the property of Exoprecise PTY LTD ℗ ®. Our college-aged male baseball players stay within a range of 8-14 pounds. A good way to know you’ve arched your back too far is if you begin to feel a big stretch in the front of your abdomen, hip and leg. Your goal as a competitive athlete is not simply to get stronger in general, but to improve your performance in the specific skills necessary to excel at the sport you play. The closer your hands start to your body's center, the easier it is to hit a dominant fastball. Keep the arm straight and the bat level for as long as possible without letting it wobble or shake. I can’t emphasize enough how crucial it is to work on improving your absorption capacity before you work on generating more power. 01 Aug. Our college-aged male baseball players stay within a range of 8-14 pounds. Therefore, the midline and the hips typically complement each other. These measurements can be helpful not only for evaluating your progress over time, but also for prescribing the right number of repetitions and sets. Baseball Swing Trainer. $29.99 $ 29. This creates a wide base of stability and support. Bat Speed And Power; Stance, Load, Timing; Advanced; Home » Hit Blog » Beginner » Stance, Load, Timing » Proper Hand Position For A Batting Stance. 5 steps to a proper batting stance. Throughout baseball/softball batting practice, cutting-edge hitting trainers, accommodating high-repetitions, producing Exoprecise forces for an effortless “power swing workout” in the precise hitting muscles; Sport Precise training. This exercise begins in a split stance, with the leg and foot closest to the incoming medicine ball set back and the other leg set forward. Begin the exercise on your knee with your torso rotated as far as possible without arching the back. The Hitting Deck shows a complete right and left side contact zone and the hitter's stance in relation to the tee placement. These hitters have such a long way to go to get their hands into a good position that most really struggle with timing and bat path. Hold the bat like a tomahawk, the contact point changes based on where pitch... Of, at times arching the back but probably slightly lower ) than where you would hold bat. Hips elevated and one leg extended straight demanding hip strength leads to power the! 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