Deep cleaning and making your bathtub shine is very easy and you won’t really need extravagant tools at all. This bathtub cleaning hack is very simple to do, all you need to do is pour about 3-4 cups of borax inside the bathtub. *Update 2: An alternative to Mothers PowerBall, if you don’t have a power drill. After you get your own Mothers PowerBall, first you have to plug it in or screw it into your power drill. Sсrub the еntirе tub. A bathroom is a part of our home that sometimes seems most difficult to clean. For cleaning, you have to follow simple steps. It is a great thing because it helps you get rid of grease, soap scum and that stubborn dirt we can usually find in our home. 6. Gloves, respirator… (If it is very disgusting) Whatever actually keeps you safe. Design By Bloom, This post may contain affiliate links. Scrub a little and then rinse with warm water. When you are finished scrubbing rinse away the borax residue with water. It is really important to keep our toilet clean. Still, a great thing about it is that its usage does not have to be related to the cars only. 5. It would also be good for you to use respirator so you can avoid inhaling chemicals and damaging matter. The cleaning process can start. Whatever cleaning products you use, make sure you rinse them and wipe water after you are finished so you wouldn’t get some new stains because of it. We found a hack that you’ll love on One Good Thing By Jillee. *Tips: I recommend Energizer Ultimate Lithium batteries (it takes 4 AA), because they won’t ever leak and ruin your scrubber, they are way more powerful than the original batteries, they last for what seems like forever, and for ones in storage, they have a 25-30 year storage life. It’s powerful enough that when applying pressure it does not stall, it simply scrubs harder, which is what I want in a device like this. Simply add equal parts dish soap and vinegar to a spray bottle, shake it up, and spray it on. What’s most unusual is that you are not going to find it within any category related to cleaning or something similar. Oxygen Bleach is better than chlorine bleach, safer for your health, environment, does not corrode the fibres of fabrics and clothes like Chlorine. Interesting life hacks, to solve your everyday problems. Gloves are something that you must have in order to protect your skin. Simply mix it with warm water, or get liquid Oxygen Bleach. First of all, make sure to empty your tub and remove all the soap, shampoos and accessories that you usually use and that can stand in your way while cleaning. The only things you need for the greatest bathtub cleaning hack are… Dawn Dish Soap; A Clean Broom; Take the Dawn dish soap and squirt some out of the bottle all around the bathtub. It may be time consuming, but it does the trick. Something you need to remember is that this is just a fast, easy and efficient way of cleaning your bathtub – but it is not meant to be deep cleaning. We hope this was helpful and wish you a clean, healthy and beautiful home like you deserve it! You know how irritating sometimes it can be to clean corners of your bathtub because it is so hard to reach them? You can use any shower, tile or tub cleaner you want. 14. This scrubber is battery powered. It doesn’t have to be for the toilet only – there are plenty of corners in our home where a toothbrush can be very helpful in a cleaning process. It is an excellent product that can be used in many ways, but it is also well-known as a great and helpful cleaner. A good cleaning hack can make housekeeping a breeze. It is also a great approach for anyone with limited mobility. You don’t need to let it sit long unless you have really tough stains. Although you may have your own ways of cleaning, we believe that there is always some extra room for more useful information and advice which can provide you easier, faster and more efficient cleaning! The cleaning method involves mixing all three products together in a bathtub full of hot water, then adding in the towels. The best thing about it is that it fits very tight spaces as well. Using a solution of water, baking soda and vinegar will lift any dirt and grime that is on your tile floors and grout—and disinfect your tiles too! It is a foam tool designed for polishing and revitalizing larger or smaller surfaces, stainless steel, billet, aluminium or even more. Using a rаg, rinse оff аll thе ѕоар аnd ѕсum intо thе drainer. And, while it’s definitely out of the ordinary, it works like a charm. Rinse thoroughly with cold water, which chases suds away faster than warm water. As you scrub, the build-up that can occur on both surfaces will lift away, leaving behind a sparkly tub and sink. Cleaning the Bathtub. Yet, it will leave them fresh, clean and polished. And in the bathroom the one place we ignore the most has to be the bathtub. Mothers PowerBall can usually be found on automotive section (in your nearest supermarket or Amazon) at a very reasonable price. It is a big foam ball, which makes it easy to clean even bigger surfaces very fast.