Find more ways to say alleviated, along with related words, antonyms and example phrases at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Sufferers of panic attacks may be given a higher dose of niacin to alleviate the problem. You can alleviate a significant amount of financial, emotional, and physical stress by following a few holiday stress tips. Stop snoring aids include products that are designed to alleviate snoring. During the disastrous plague of 1347-1348 Clement did all he could to alleviate the distress, and condemned the Flagellants and Jew-baiters. Alleviate that techno-stress, which is what you get when you are frustrated by technology, by using an electronics buying! One simple way to alleviate snoring is to change the position that you sleep in. Establishing a simple budget, establishing what are necessary household and personal expenses, and living within your means can all help alleviate the financial stress that can lead to arguments in marriage. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. How Can I Use Alleviate In A Sentence. 207+6 sentence examples: 1. You will be able to relieve. How can I put and write and define alleviate in a sentenceand how is the word alleviate used in a sentence and examples? Some people went to a lumber store to buy plywood to fit the same area that the pressed wood does to alleviate this concern. A stress ball can help alleviate the symptoms of this too. Daytime hours alleviate the pressure of intimacy of an evening hours date. Breathing through the nose can alleviate the snoring problem since the air is not moving past the tissues in the back of the mouth. He figured that an adequate shock absorber on the heel of his running shoe could alleviate a lot of his pain, so he decided to attach a coiled spring to the bottom of his heel and took the shoes out for a test run. Check the meaning of alleviate. To help alleviate fear, taking the child into the MRI room to see the equipment prior to the procedure may be helpful. Writing down your treatment the first time will help alleviate any doubts on how you should treat the character with any future meetings. Brandenton sleep apnea specialists can help alleviate the symptoms of a sleep disorder using a number of different approaches. Adi came to relieve me of that. It's often used to alleviate anxiety, headaches, and/or fatigue. Dr. Tejumade is a member of the AADSM and, although it seems as if cosmetic and general dentistry are her areas of specialty, she has much to offer patients who want to alleviate the nighttime breathing problem. I couldn't really understand what made them so different from the many splints or slings I'd been looking at to alleviate my bunion. It can only temporarily alleviate some of the grosser evils of the present system. Parental reassurance and comfort and the addition of a night light may alleviate some of these concerns. An ear, nose and throat (ENT) specialist can help some patients who require surgery for sleep apnea or a CPAP machine to alleviate snoring. Does being sincere alleviate concerns about madness or suicidal tendencies? Learn more. Examples of Alleviate in a sentence. Seeking help from concerned and qualified school counselors, church, and community leaders can alleviate many parental concerns and provide opportunity for early intervention. Maintaining proper aftercare will help alleviate these symptoms. Neutering can alleviate house soiling, but it's not a sure cure. In Texas, snoring can be addressed in a number of ways by a variety of specialists in order to identify the health issue and treat the root of the problem, which will can help alleviate and eliminate the symptom: snoring. This will also alleviate the tell tale snoring caused by sleep apnea. If the hose is just too awkward, a CPAP hose lift system can alleviate the problem by lifting the hose out of the way entirely. You will be helping to alleviate human famine by taking less out of the World's finite resources. Transportation investments in coming years will try to alleviate congestion. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website. A home remedy for snoring may help alleviate the sleep problem. Bodywork therapies such as massage and reflexology ease muscle tension and may alleviate side effects such as nausea and vomiting. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. alleviate menopausal symptoms such as hot flushes, night sweats and vaginal dryness. Taking melatonin in the evening and/or lowering your dose of melatonin often helps to alleviate many of these side effects. Once we know the causes of the anger and know how to perceive our various anger moods, we can begin to address the situation and alleviate the anger. Knowing of the best organic vitamins are may help alleviate some of the concerns you have about food and drug safety. Alleviate Meaning. The overworked executed needed a mental health day to relieve his stress and center his emotions. Including a dryer sheet in the dryer during the cycle will help alleviate static electricity. Few clinical trials offer insight into the effectiveness of exercising to alleviate the symptoms of RLS. International affairs charities work to end hunger, provide medical care or alleviate the strains of war in foreign countries. Using a heated humidifier with your CPAP machine can alleviate most of these symptoms. To alleviate his mood, Aguma proposes for Madoka to briefly enter the afterlife to say a proper goodbye to Chisato. Capricorn knows that nothing will alleviate his burden, but knowing that his mate understands his concerns will go a long way in helping him feel close to you. Sentence Examples for alleviate. The Q-Form cushion is a patent pending feature that Merrell uses to help alleviate discomfort and reduce the footwear's general wear and tear. He/She will diagnose the cause of the sores, and likely prescribe medication to alleviate her discomfort. Yoga instructors Lisa and Charles Matkin have developed the Healing Yoga DVD series, featuring sequences to alleviate conditions such as headaches and back pain, as well as assist in pain management. Cooking with Allrich will not only alleviate your celiac symptoms, but may also put you on the path to a healthier life and a greater appreciation of natural foods. 8. GFCF diets can alleviate the food absorption problems associated with gastrointestinal issues such as leaky gut. 2. Topical itch creams and lotions can be used to alleviate the itch and any pain from the swelling. Taking a deep breath relaxes the body and helps to slow down your heart rate and alleviate the stress and immediate anger in your body. Simply raising the level of aggregate demand in the economy will do little to alleviate the problem of structural unemployment. Athlete's foot: No topical treatment can eradicate the underlying fungus of athlete's foot, but tea tree oil can alleviate the symptoms. Kelp - Contains properties known to alleviate arthritis pain, boost energy, enhance immunity, fight cancer and heart disease and improve liver function. This kit can also be a tool for young children to introduce the subject of death.Most husbands and wives grieve completely opposite and composing the kits together may alleviate some unwanted stress. Survival anxiety somewhat alleviated, our concern turns to another topic. If you absolutely, positively can't wait to see what's going to happen next to the eccentric residents of Albert Square, then Eastenders soap spoiler will help alleviate your anxiety. The release of tension built up in the muscles may alleviate the urge to move while at rest. Understanding why you are experiencing these symptoms may help you find ways to alleviate the pain and numbness. 34. It will also alleviate dry eyelids, which can prevent MAC eyeshadow from spreading evenly over the lid. Ice chips can help alleviate this swelling and make eating more comfortable. What you will find are well-constructed, quality undergarments that help alleviate any discomfort you may have, as well as give you a flattering silhouette under all of your clothing. Define alleviating. How to use alleviate in a sentence is shown in this page. ease Doing sports is a great way of alleviating stress. Home remedies for snoring are no substitute for medical attention, but they can alleviate the symptoms. Cruciate ligament reconstruction may alleviate the anterior knee pain associated with anterior or posterior cruciate ligament laxity. To alleviate hunger in our town, each employee of our company donated five cans of food. There are a few products on the market, such as Beano and GasEx, which can help to alleviate some of these issues while you follow the diet. We should not connive at the destruction of imaginations, not even to alleviate boredom. Corticosteroids (such as prednisone) are sometimes used to alleviate gastrointestinal tract inflammation but have not been shown to be effective for associated kidney problems. : After having Otis relieve him for his 20-minute lunch break he went outside to find Mia waiting for him. (transitive) To make less severe, as a pain or difficulty. connive at the destruction of imaginations, not even to alleviate boredom. Occasionally, children and adolescents with ODD may also have depression or anxiety disorders, and treatment with antidepressants and anti-anxiety medications can help alleviate some symptoms of ODD. Examples of alleviating in a sentence: 1. No one was at the post to relieve the security guard of his duties, so he ended up working overtime. has introduced schemes to alleviate poverty. alleviate suffering by any means, that is a good thing. He undertook many pilgrimages and studied the Vedic philosophy in the hope of solving the old problem of the Buddha, - how to alleviate human misery and attain final liberation. There are certain pains that nothing can alleviate, nor heal, and there are wounds that nothing can cicatrize. Tan pantyhose can help alleviate much of this cosmetic issue, as the coloring of the pantyhose can help to camouflage blue or green veins. , Additional interstate lanes will alleviate traffic congestion. Sleep apnea alternative treatment options can help to alleviate some of the sleeping problems you are having. alleviate most of the discomforts experienced during pregnancy. Gastrointestinal Health: The Proven Nutritional Program to Prevent, Cure, or Alleviate Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS), Ulcers, Gas, Constipation, Heartburn, and Many Other Digestive Disorders. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. The word usage examples above have been gathered from various sources to reflect current and historial usage. A sleep dentist specializes in dental sleep medicine, a relatively new field that focuses on oral appliances used to alleviate breathing problems associated with obstructive sleep apnea and severe snoring. Family therapy may help alleviate stressful family situations and help other family members understand the disorder. Soaking in a relaxing, soothing tea bath is another way to alleviate the sting. Another word for alleviated. People who suffer from Seasonal Affected Disorder may also find this a great way to wake up in the morning and sunrise clocks may help alleviate some of the symptoms. For those seeking natural products to alleviate social anxiety disorder, there are many herbs and supplements thought effective. Many are designed specifically to alleviate a particular ailment or symptom - stress-busters and mood-lifters are especially popular. It also helps to alleviate breast tenderness. It will be seen that it does not take much to reduce Copernicus to pure hypothesis. I am working on other products to alleviate frustrations but none of them are in the fashion field. Not only does an established routine give children a sense of security, it helps them establish positive habits and can alleviate the chaos that can comes with trying to get a small child off to school or day care. Simply finding a mask that has a good fit can alleviate problems with leaks and skin discomfort. Will California cutbacks alleviate the larger Colorado River problem? Depending on the diagnosis, children may also be treated with drugs to help alleviate depression, panic and anxiety, or other mental health disorders. tonic water may help to alleviate any cramp pain. You can be fitted for an oral device that may alleviate the symptoms of obstructive sleep apnea. 2. If you want to alleviate the situation, start by … Stage Four - Strategies Agreed Shared Responsibility No blame is attributed but instead the group are asked to help alleviate the misery. People who have arthritis can actually help alleviate some of their symptoms with the right type of exercise. It is said to have begun in convents and it had its strongest upsurge in the Great Irish Famine of 1846, where its sales helped alleviate poverty woes. If you alleviate pain, suffering, or an unpleasant condition, you make it less intense or severe . Yoga Pro states that Yoga Toes, if used frequently enough, can alleviate bunion pain or take it away completely depending on the severity of your condition. A number of herbal preparations may help to alleviate anxiety. , If you want to alleviate the situation, start by apologizing for your mistake. You can alleviate this problem by tying a scarf loosely around your hair before you don your poncho. This man was born of a Saivite family about 1825, but in early manhood grew dissatisfied with idolworship. Doctor oz – sudden warning signs – oprah., When i operate on a patient with heart disease, the ravaging effects of the illness are immediately apparent. The government is working on policies to alleviate poverty. A professional dog trainer can evaluate the reason for a dog's excessive barking and recommend training techniques to alleviate the problem. There are several natural products that claim to alleviate the pain of migraines naturally, without the side effects. By clicking “Accept”, you consent to the use of ALL the cookies. In ayurvedic practice, almond oil is said to alleviate dark circles effectively. To alleviate fear or stress related to hearing this noise and being in the small scanning tube, the child may be offered earplugs or specially designed head phones for listening to music. St. John's Wort appears to alleviate this disorder to some capacity. Even though changes in lifestyle, including proper diet and exercise, can alleviate snoring, it is still necessary to consult a physician about the sleep disorder. Unfortunately, swelling is an inevitable reaction to a sting, but there are some things you can do to alleviate your discomfort. smoked cannabis to alleviate pain resulting from a car accident six years ago. , Listening to soothing music will not only alleviate stress, but it will help you connect to your inner peace. While many people turn to over-the-counter products to relieve symptoms of acid reflux, acid reflux and diet changes are a better choice to help alleviate common acid reflux symptoms for the long term. The techniques and supplements may help alleviate your insomnia issues. They who feel most acutely for its sorrows, are, … Since it costs the carrier more, it costs the carpet company more and therefore, you must pay more.To alleviate some of the shipping cost, try to pick up the carpet yourself from the carriers facility. Being familiar with the physical symptoms of anxiety attacks can help you learn to recognize signs of debilitating panic in yourself or others so you can take steps to alleviate the stress. If you have back pain, neck pain or stiffness upon waking, compare foam mattress memory topper products and purchase one to alleviate your pain. alleviate his demands were aimed at alleviating the hardship caused by the embargo. Our main goal is extract knowledge from text to populate the ontology, and so alleviate the problem of ontology maintenance. Ordering the invitations in a timely manner will help to alleviate stress and keep your wedding plans on the right track. Open MRI scanners are available with columns and open sides to alleviate claustrophobia. To help alleviate this situation, Microsoft offers a service called Microsoft My Phone. Throat lozenges or a throat lozenges or a throat spray can alleviate a sore throat and lubricate your throat to help a cough. A judge for a grandfather was an alleviating circumstance. The more information you provide, the more you can alleviate the need for any delay or guesswork by emergency personnel. Walk slowly on the leg may also alleviate the cramping. There are things you can do to lessen and even alleviate the negative aspects of adding a forum to your website. Clear plastic face masks alleviate the claustrophobia associated with the black rubber face masks. Translations of the phrase ALLEVIATE AND from english to spanish and examples of the use of "ALLEVIATE AND" in a sentence with their translations: Alleviate and regenerate the scalp. 26 21 "Do, please, for heaven's sake, relieve me of something!" The initial goal of treatment is to alleviate pain, followed by measures to reduce future fracture risk. The use of prescribed migraine treatment is an essential action to alleviate the suffering often caused. If these disorders are occurring in conjunction with another condition, such as ADHD, medication and therapy for that condition often helps alleviate the impulse control disorder. Washing daily with a gentle soap and soaking in a mild saline solution will help speed up the healing and alleviate discomfort. These grants went far to alleviate the suffering which without them must have, followed the event. Early intervention for families can help parents figure out strategies to make home life comfortable and alleviate stress. They can also help alleviate glare when driving during daytime hours. Most cases of heat rash clear up quickly, while others may require anti-itch treatments such as calamine lotion or cooling menthol ointments to soothe and comfort the skin and alleviate itching. 207+6 sentence examples: 1. The presence of a few Carnival employees to help direct lines does alleviate some confusion. 3, Helping to alleviate poverty in developing countries also helps to reduce environmental destruction. The best way to alleviate this dilemma is to choose a softly colored lavender dress. This may also help alleviate acne, since stress may trigger outbreaks. , Visit your distant mother once in a while to alleviate your relationship with her. Fubar makes the claim that these bars will help men fuel their bodies through rigorous physical activity and will assist women curb hunger cravings and potentially alleviate hot flashes. If you alleviate pain, suffering, or an unpleasant condition, you make it less intense or severe. This federal program is designed to encourage delinquent homeowners and lenders to work together to delay or alleviate foreclosure. Sores heal and disappear on their own, but taking the drugs helps to alleviate the symptoms. In many instances, simple changes in lifestyle are sufficient to alleviate mild snoring problems or sleeplessness. , One local factory will alleviate the town's job shortage by providing 250 more jobs. Snoring and bruxism are closely related, but more research is necessary to determine whether products for snoring can alleviate teeth grinding during sleep. German Swedish Dutch Czech Croatian Italian French Spanish Danish Latin Finnish Norwegian Russian Indonesian Vasantaka gives the king the necklace which he applies to his heart to alleviatehis despair. alleviate poverty in Glasgow's East End at the time. Gamestop offers a one-year store warranty that can help alleviate any fears you have of purchasing a used system. They do not represent the opinions of , $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["45ba4f61-76ac-4b3d-94d4-c9019d2ebe3c"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["418b1e7b-a189-47b4-952a-43e52a926ad5"]); }), $MMT = window.$MMT || {}; $MMT.cmd = $MMT.cmd || [];$MMT.cmd.push(function(){ $MMT.display.slots.push(["9b588b9a-598a-47f4-bc83-ba2fd303e5df"]); }). Disappear on their own, but rarely help alleviate the pensions problem improve your experience while you navigate the... Alleviate fears that an older sibling might have the character with any future.!.. Hopefully various modifications will alleviate some confusion to shop from can usually the. 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